Radical empathy is the ideology you don’t know you need in your life. While mercury is currently in retrograde and our world seems to be quite literally falling apart, [Trans World](http://www.nicodimgallery.com/exhibitions/trans-world) offers the beacon of hope we are so desperately yearning for. An exhibition curated by [Ben Lee Ritchie Handler](https://www.instagram.com/benleeritchiehandler/?hl=en) and Jorge Luis Cruzata, Trans World uses the multiverse theory as its platform to implore visitors to become critically conscious of themselves. The multiverse theory suggests that there are multiple versions of ourselves throughout time and space, each version living with the consequences of different decisions being made. A metaphysical exploration of self identity, Trans World will change the way you examine yourself and your surroundings. Artists who have the ability to manifest multiple universes at the same time through their work now have the ultimate platform to evoke change.
Be able to experience the magic that resides within Trans World and simultaneously go to your favorite type of party. Break out your PJ salvage matching set because Trans World is hosting a Pajama party with Tarot Readings by Lisa Anne Auerbach and A screening of Marie Losier’s The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye (2011).
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The [event](https://www.facebook.com/events/2454596801491768/) will take place at the Nicodim Gallery, (571 S Anderson St #2, Los Angeles, CA 90033) on Tuesday, July 23 from 7-10pm.