Brian Eno and Peter Chilvers Debut One Of Seven Short Films for Mixing Colours Album

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Following the announcement of [Roger and Brian Eno’s](https://www.instagram.com/brianeno/?hl=en) latest album, [_Mixing Colours_](https://dg.lnk.to/mixingcolours), the brothers have released a series of short films in collaboration with musician and software designer, Peter Chilvers. Seven of the eighteen tracks will now have countering visual elements, produced and directed by Flaunt [alumnus](https://www.flaunt.com/content/people/brian-eno), Brian Eno, further enhancing the first-ever joint project from the Eno brothers. Over the next couple of months, Eno and Chilvers will debut multiple films, the first being for album track “Celeste,” which is available now on all digital platforms. The imagery created by the films for _Mixing Colours_ captures the album’s true essence, marrying the simplicity and contemplative qualities of its soundscapes with suitably uncomplicated, mesmerizing visuals of slowly-changing, dreamlike panoramas. The album, _Mixing Colours_ will be released internationally March 20, 2020, in digital, vinyl and CD digipack formats. Check out Brian Eno’s [cover](https://www.flaunt.com/content/people/elements-issue-brian-eno) with Flaunt from the Elements Issue, photographed by [Fe Pinheiro.](https://www.instagram.com/fepinheiro/?hl=en)