Building the Immune with Naomi Campbell

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My utterly unadulterated devotion to the health guru Gwyneth Paltrow has recently been eclipsed by the grand goddess Naomi Campbell. I think we all can admit that our initial viewing of her **_Naomi Campbell's Airport Routine | Come Fly With Me_** made us all think of a lol as she went in full OCD mode decontaminating everything in her upper class seat… That was until we were all doing it, and this general regiment would mean nothing but honest self preservation a few weeks into quarantine. The effects of the video watching before and after the advent of the Corona Virus has been astonishing. The initial conception had many including myself thinking this is ridiculous. Yet here we are and the video’s context has now shifted from OCD and a laugh to we should all really be paying attention on what we can do to adapt this practice as well as possibly critique and build upon this lesson. Still as the story moves forward, the impact of the sequel _Protecting Myself Against Coronavirus_ is a horrific hit, unnerving and powerful. In the current cultural atmosphere as the human race I think there is a lot that can be obtained in Campbell’s teachings which subscribe to a stringent guidelines of living to best maintain the being and self. Whole foods from Whole Foods seem to be the best tool in the nutritional sense, while still adding a does of the reality that she allegedly likes a sweets and snacking that we all can relate to (does she actually eat them though?) The centerpiece of Naomi’s recent YouTube health content has got to be her smoothie and vitamin pack regiment which serves us all the realness in disciplinary health actions. * * * Morning shake recipe: 1 cup almond milk 1 tbsp cacao powder 1 tbsp matcha powder 1 tbsp baobab powder 1 tbsp collagen powder 1 tbsp artichoke powder 1 tbsp moringa powder 1 tbsp greens protein powder 1 tbsp vitamin C 2 tbsp pomegranate liquid 1/2 banana Ice Then blend! **Vitamins and supplements**: Goldenseal drops into smoothie, Elderberry syrup, Zinc, EHB (2 a day), Vitamin C liquid, Papaya seeds, NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine), Vitamin D (50,000 IU a week), Vitamin B12 chewable, Black seed, Probiotics, Multivitamin, Humacel, Pine Bark Extract, Oregano Oil (carry it always), Turmeric, Lavender Oil Pills (calming effect), (Only natural supplements!) * * * What would be useful ultimately is to be able to utilize the below fitness regimenent which was develop by Joe Holder’s [The Ocho System](https://www.instagram.com/ochosystem/?hl=en)… Good luck and good health. Screenshot from The Ocho System. ![Screenshot from The Ocho System.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bd79e38189dbb7f195ab_naomi%2Bwork%2Bout%2Bochosystem.jpeg) Screenshot from [The Ocho System](naomi work out https://www.instagram.com/ochosystem/?hl=en). Screenshot from The Ocho System. ![Screenshot from The Ocho System.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bd79e38189dbb7f195a4_image-asset.jpeg) Screenshot from [The Ocho System](naomi work out https://www.instagram.com/ochosystem/?hl=en). Screenshot from The Ocho System. ![Screenshot from The Ocho System.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bd79e38189dbb7f1959f_image-asset.jpeg) Screenshot from [The Ocho System](naomi work out https://www.instagram.com/ochosystem/?hl=en). Screenshot from The Ocho System. ![Screenshot from The Ocho System.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bd79e38189dbb7f195af_image-asset.jpeg) Screenshot from [The Ocho System](naomi work out https://www.instagram.com/ochosystem/?hl=en). Screenshot from The Ocho System. ![Screenshot from The Ocho System.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bd79e38189dbb7f195a8_image-asset.jpeg) Screenshot from [The Ocho System](naomi work out https://www.instagram.com/ochosystem/?hl=en).