Christopher | Pouring his heart out on new single "Fall So Hard"

Written by

Audra McClain

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Christopher FSH\_2.jpg ![Christopher FSH_2.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1615601041937-7HF4LLLMN6QS3WFQLBEC/Christopher+FSH_2.jpg) Danish musician Christopher is making his mark on the world one song at a time. This time that song is “Fall So Hard.” The singer hailing from Denmark pours his heart in this new tune. To accompany the song is a flashy music video, literally. As Christopher sings about wanting to become a better version of himself for this new person who has entered his life, images flash behind him. ”Fall So Hard is a song of optimism and change. About how all of a sudden, something or someone can step into your life and make it fundamentally different. But the thing about this cliché is that it’s really true. I recently became a dad for the very first time and from one single moment I was a subsidiary person in my own life. Everything is turned upside down. It’s just a brand new and overriding dimension which is indescribable,” Christopher said. Listen to “Fall So Hard” below!