David Alekhuogie Defies Gravity in Exhibition

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Courtesy of LAMAG ![Courtesy of LAMAG](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b56bd948f9c3d49a3990_David%2BAlekhougi%2B--%2BGravity.jpeg) Courtesy of LAMAG Gravity constantly drags down all of humanity and in David Alekhuogie’s exhibit, we’re shown their tenuous alliance. Displayed at [LAMAG](http://www.lamag.org) until April 14, Alekhuogie’s multifaceted Gravity includes a series of paintings where Alekhuogie uses his head as the brush by repeatedly jumping while aiming to hit the canvas mimicking the physicality of a basketball player. The repeated attempts striving to hit and then falling conveys how problematic the idea of freedom in America is. Courtesy of LAMAG ![Courtesy of LAMAG](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b56bd948f9c3d49a398c_David%2BAlekhuogie%2B--%2BGravity.jpeg) Courtesy of LAMAG Alekhuogie also plays with social constructs in the hip-hop culture with his photographs of models revealing their underwear by wearing their pants low. He pairs this with added nude mannequins exposing how black and brown bodies are normally singled out and controlled.  Alekhuogie received an MFA in 2015 and a BA from The School of the Art institute of Chicago in 2013 and recently has been exploring how media technology has an impact on politics. He poetically examines gender and race and the worth that we and others unconsciously and consciously place on people in America.  David Alekhuogie at LAMAG until April 14 4800 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90027