Flaunt Premiere | Gangs of Kin "Broke"
Photographed by Elizaveta Porodina ![Photographed by Elizaveta Porodina](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1616611295222-7F4VCQC1XOEK8RG1GOU5/press+_cut+tiny.jpeg) Photographed by Elizaveta Porodina Amsterdam-based musician Joël Gaerthé, otherwise known by the name of his project Gangs of Kin, releases the newest single “Broke”, premiering today on _Flaunt_. The future-funk tinged bluesy track uses Gaerthé’s psychedelic style to tackle themes of mental health. Gaerthé began performing at 16-years-old and toured nonstop from 2011 to 2018. It was this experience that pushed him to create Gangs of Kin, looking for an avenue for vulnerability in his personal artistic expression. Since beginning the project of Gangs of Kin, his first mixtape “Broke not Broken” has been lauded by music outlets like BBC Music. Gangs of Kin looks forward, sonically, aesthetically, and thematically, exploring Gaerthé’s vision of the future. Listen to “Broke” here!