FREE LANCE | Lou Doillon reworks the Calamity 4 style

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LOU DOILLON\_3.jpg ![LOU DOILLON_3.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1615496841912-6EDFFEA5VODJLK5VFGZ7/LOU+DOILLON_3.jpg) LOU DOILLON\_1.jpg ![LOU DOILLON_1.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1615496793068-AGLLSJNP0PVH4N5EIVC5/LOU+DOILLON_1.jpg) Free Lance, an inventive and fashionable shoe brand, introduces a new collaboration that injects multifaceted artist Lou Doillon’s personal style, reworking Free Lance’s Calamity 4 styles. It is “rock, authentic and marked by her highly desirable look.” A salute to 90’s fashion, the collaboration gives you a reason to show off your badass style in even the most common of places, like the grocery store, after wearing your favorite looks around the house for approximately a year. In a post-Covid world, the Lou Doillon + Free Lance collection allows you to make a statement, wherever you go. La Gaubretière, a workshop founded in 1870 by Jean Baptiste Rautureau, gave the brand its start, later passing to Rautureau’s grandson, Joseph. In 1947, Joseph started producing men’s shoes. Then, in 1973, Yvon and Guy opened the brand to children’s shoes with Pom d’Api. Seven years later, Free Lance arose with its expert quality. Since May 2017, Free Lance has been owned by Xavier Marie, but continues to stay true to its roots. Today, Free Lance is very present on social media, giving inspiration to their followers individual stories and styles.