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GPCNIVBibleHazeFLAUNT.jpg ![GPCNIVBibleHazeFLAUNT.jpg](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d3a0018408f6f7cb5069_GPCNIVBibleHazeFLAUNT.jpeg) Good Publishing Company brings museum-worthy modern art to your family’s home with the GPC NIV Bible available exclusively on Good Friday, April 2nd via livestream shopping platform **NTWRK** and on TheGPC.com starting Easter Sunday. Featuring hand lettering by prominent New York City artist Eric Haze in collaboration with Italian-American designer Jon Buscemi, every aspect of the GPC NIV Bible was made with the utmost attention to detail — creating a parallel between the remarkable wisdom of the Bible with equally remarkable design aesthetic. It is equal parts Holy scripture and a work of art from its crimson red specialty leather cover to its street art-inspired calligraphy. It is tipped in red translucent vellum of 100% cellulose fibers for ultimate clarity and features Italian grosgrain set ribbons are hand dyed and custom cut to resemble elegant cords of woven fabric dating back to the 17th century. All aspects were made with the environment and sustainability in mind with recycled materials. The GPC Bible is the first release from Good Publishing Company, a passionate community of creatives and believers whose mission is to bring God’s word to life in beautiful and innovative ways. By collaborating with artists, pastors and designers, Good Publishing Company created a one-of-a-kind artisan heirloom Bible that can be passed down through generations as families deepen their journey of faith. 10% of the gross sales will be donated to Compassion International, a child-advocacy ministry pairing compassionate people with children living in extreme poverty to release the children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty. For more information on Good Publishing Company and the GPC Bible, visit thegpc.com.