The Hood Healer & Getting The Strap

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Imani 1.jpg ![Imani 1.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b3aac7a88e544f757860_Imani%2B1.jpeg) When Imani Cohen speaks, you listen. She delivers her wisdom with a sense of humor. She says things with a straight face and sarcastic undertones. How can someone who doesn’t know you, know you better than you know yourself? This is Imani’s profession. “I am psychic, clairvoyant. I am psychic in the sense that I can project into the future: Events, places, things. I hear spirit contact. Physical, audio, and I feel a sensation.” Imani takes her clients to new realms with her spiritual healing. Starting only a little over a year ago, Imani’s messages for the collective have boomed, making a name for herself in the esoteric and spiritual community. “I literally started my business Aug. 5, 2017. Just a baby in the game. I am so excited about the growth and expansion that has transpired in such a short period.” Within that time period she has cumulated over 31k followers on Instagram, sold out bookings for readings, and has a televised gig of reading cards for rappers. The rapid growth that’s happened within a year is a blessing to Imani’s journey. There is a sense of familiarity while talking to her, she understands the complexities of each individual via the energy they present. She helps her clients transform into the best versions of themselves through healing, that’s why she took on the name The Hood Healer. Imani started her spiritual career in her hometown of Los Angeles, “I initially started with love donation readings at Simply Wholesome, on Slauson and Overhill.” Her career started at the local grocery/café but her spiritual journey started when she was much younger, “I started noticing them \[psychic sensations\], probably the earliest I can remember was maybe 6 or 7.” These intuitive sensations come to Imani in a variety of ways, “Sometimes I will feel a cool sensation or a warm sensation. Sometimes I feel like somebody is tapping me. Sometimes I feel like someone is sitting next to me.” The use of esoteric tools is how Imani extends her gifts. “Astrology is one of the tools that I use in my readings and my interpersonal work. Astrology is like a reference point. I use astrology, crystal healing, mediation, and a little reiki to help regulate energies and to understand the energies of astrology.” Imani’s main tool is using oracle cards to clarify the message that is presented to her. Imani has a recording with Rap Caviar in which she does a reading with rappers. Asking her about this opportunity she says, “We are out here making moves! It is a really exciting opportunity because it came from the work I was doing in the community. I was given the opportunity to do readings on Rap Caviar. Rap Caviar is a show that is predominately focused on rappers. They brought me in and redirected the premise show. I just recently recorded a show with Trippy Red and his girlfriend. It was a super dope opportunity and to see where the occult is going.” ![](https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/e9440127268776f346df900f93de845a/5BCA087B/t51.2885-15/e15/p640x640/40473990_249843192539416_8186221837103403082_n.jpg) Don't try to tell @trippieredd what to do. Watch him talk about having creative control over his music with @thehoodhealer on this week's #RapCaviar. Link in bio 💫 This has just been a stepping stone for Imani as she has started her path as a spiritual entrepreneur. When asked what her dream would be, she talks about her upcoming oracle deck, _The Hood Oracle Deck_, and adds, “I am a classically trained chef. I would love to marry my spiritual work with food somehow. In the future I am also working on a candle line. There are a bunch of different things that are manifesting: I want to do a Zodiac Bae clothing line, a book club, a healing circle, and a 90 day _Get Your Life_ challenge on Instagram to motivate people to get into alignment with the new year. While it’s important for me do to things I can monetize off of, it is also important for me to help the community because I initially started with love donation readings”. Only starting with café readings she is quickly on her way to spiritual mogul-dom. Through her messages out to the collective, she has built a virtual community. She has created the term “Soul Family” which she describes as, “Literally instagram, social media is so crazy. What it has become. What it is becoming. What can be created and cultivated on the internet. Aside from being an instagram page, I have created a community of people that are not only my clients, but I refer to as ‘Soul Family’. They are consistent participants of the community that are contributing to the dialogue. There is a village forming. We communicate on the \[instagram\] live and in the comments. It is really a gathering of like-minded people. I am so blessed. The main thing that keeps me going is the engagement of the people on social media.” Imani 2.jpg ![Imani 2.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b3aac7a88e544f757864_Imani%2B2.jpeg) Imani’s core principle is giving back. Whether it’s doing astro-readings for the public or donation based readings, she is always providing for the community. She is a constant guide. I asked her what advice she finds herself repeating the most. “The main thing I talk about is listening to intuition. The energy around indecision is reflective of the lack of intuition and mistrust one has within themself. Many of us are very in-tune and know exactly what it is that we need for ourselves and what it is that we should be doing. Yet a lot of us lack the trust and discipline to follow through to manifest these energies and to co-create with the universe. So what I do in every reading is refocus the need to listen to intuition. That is the starting point of the trickle-drown effect of all the insecurities. All the negative comes from the lack of trust and intuition.” Trusting your intuition might sound like a daunting task. Imani breaks down how to build up trust in our personal intuition. “I suggest meditation. There is a feeling in your gut versus a feeling in your chest. The feeling in your chest is anxiety. The feeling in your gut is intuition. I always encourage people to be present so that you can distinguish which emotion is which. To distinguish intuition from insecurity, I tell people to stop disillusioning the mind with outside sources. So when you are in mistrust, don’t ask other people. Don’t reach out. That gives you more opinions you need to filter through. I try to encourage people to get refocused with intuition because that is the epicenter of the bullshit.” Imani 3.1.jpg ![Imani 3.1.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b3aac7a88e544f757868_Imani%2B3.1.jpeg) Among the countless number of readings she has given, I asked her if she has had any particularly moving readings. “I have had a soul family/client that is really close to me who was experiencing symptoms I felt like were cancer and we were able to do early detection of cancer and save this person’s life. Now, they are in remission. It was touching because this person and I are close in age; it really gave me confidence and gratitude in my gift. The work that I do reinserts the gratitude for life consistently in my day. There are so many worse things. We take for granted all the things we are blessed with.” As 2019 is upon us, Imani closes out with some much needed advice for all of us to follow, “Accountability, baby, it is all about uh-count-uh-bil-ity and from there we can be transparent. We can be our full true, honest selves. We can get everything we need to get from this life and more. It comes from honesty and being clear about what we are so we can have absolute clarity on where we are going. I hope to be wrapping the soul family together with that message, this remainder of the quarter. So we can really focus on this accountability piece in 2019. Get the strap!” Follow Imani Cohen on Instagram: [@TheHoodHealer](https://www.instagram.com/thehoodhealer/?hl=en) * * * Written by: Collin Schreiber [@CollinPSchreiber](https://www.instagram.com/collinpschreiber/)
Imani 1.jpg ![Imani 1.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b3aac7a88e544f757860_Imani%2B1.jpeg) When Imani Cohen speaks, you listen. She delivers her wisdom with a sense of humor. She says things with a straight face and sarcastic undertones. How can someone who doesn’t know you, know you better than you know yourself? This is Imani’s profession. “I am psychic, clairvoyant. I am psychic in the sense that I can project into the future: Events, places, things. I hear spirit contact. Physical, audio, and I feel a sensation.” Imani takes her clients to new realms with her spiritual healing. Starting only a little over a year ago, Imani’s messages for the collective have boomed, making a name for herself in the esoteric and spiritual community. “I literally started my business Aug. 5, 2017. Just a baby in the game. I am so excited about the growth and expansion that has transpired in such a short period.” Within that time period she has cumulated over 31k followers on Instagram, sold out bookings for readings, and has a televised gig of reading cards for rappers. The rapid growth that’s happened within a year is a blessing to Imani’s journey. There is a sense of familiarity while talking to her, she understands the complexities of each individual via the energy they present. She helps her clients transform into the best versions of themselves through healing, that’s why she took on the name The Hood Healer. Imani started her spiritual career in her hometown of Los Angeles, “I initially started with love donation readings at Simply Wholesome, on Slauson and Overhill.” Her career started at the local grocery/café but her spiritual journey started when she was much younger, “I started noticing them \[psychic sensations\], probably the earliest I can remember was maybe 6 or 7.” These intuitive sensations come to Imani in a variety of ways, “Sometimes I will feel a cool sensation or a warm sensation. Sometimes I feel like somebody is tapping me. Sometimes I feel like someone is sitting next to me.” The use of esoteric tools is how Imani extends her gifts. “Astrology is one of the tools that I use in my readings and my interpersonal work. Astrology is like a reference point. I use astrology, crystal healing, mediation, and a little reiki to help regulate energies and to understand the energies of astrology.” Imani’s main tool is using oracle cards to clarify the message that is presented to her. Imani has a recording with Rap Caviar in which she does a reading with rappers. Asking her about this opportunity she says, “We are out here making moves! It is a really exciting opportunity because it came from the work I was doing in the community. I was given the opportunity to do readings on Rap Caviar. Rap Caviar is a show that is predominately focused on rappers. They brought me in and redirected the premise show. I just recently recorded a show with Trippy Red and his girlfriend. It was a super dope opportunity and to see where the occult is going.” ![](https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/e9440127268776f346df900f93de845a/5BCA087B/t51.2885-15/e15/p640x640/40473990_249843192539416_8186221837103403082_n.jpg) Don't try to tell @trippieredd what to do. Watch him talk about having creative control over his music with @thehoodhealer on this week's #RapCaviar. Link in bio 💫 This has just been a stepping stone for Imani as she has started her path as a spiritual entrepreneur. When asked what her dream would be, she talks about her upcoming oracle deck, _The Hood Oracle Deck_, and adds, “I am a classically trained chef. I would love to marry my spiritual work with food somehow. In the future I am also working on a candle line. There are a bunch of different things that are manifesting: I want to do a Zodiac Bae clothing line, a book club, a healing circle, and a 90 day _Get Your Life_ challenge on Instagram to motivate people to get into alignment with the new year. While it’s important for me do to things I can monetize off of, it is also important for me to help the community because I initially started with love donation readings”. Only starting with café readings she is quickly on her way to spiritual mogul-dom. Through her messages out to the collective, she has built a virtual community. She has created the term “Soul Family” which she describes as, “Literally instagram, social media is so crazy. What it has become. What it is becoming. What can be created and cultivated on the internet. Aside from being an instagram page, I have created a community of people that are not only my clients, but I refer to as ‘Soul Family’. They are consistent participants of the community that are contributing to the dialogue. There is a village forming. We communicate on the \[instagram\] live and in the comments. It is really a gathering of like-minded people. I am so blessed. The main thing that keeps me going is the engagement of the people on social media.” Imani 2.jpg ![Imani 2.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b3aac7a88e544f757864_Imani%2B2.jpeg) Imani’s core principle is giving back. Whether it’s doing astro-readings for the public or donation based readings, she is always providing for the community. She is a constant guide. I asked her what advice she finds herself repeating the most. “The main thing I talk about is listening to intuition. The energy around indecision is reflective of the lack of intuition and mistrust one has within themself. Many of us are very in-tune and know exactly what it is that we need for ourselves and what it is that we should be doing. Yet a lot of us lack the trust and discipline to follow through to manifest these energies and to co-create with the universe. So what I do in every reading is refocus the need to listen to intuition. That is the starting point of the trickle-drown effect of all the insecurities. All the negative comes from the lack of trust and intuition.” Trusting your intuition might sound like a daunting task. Imani breaks down how to build up trust in our personal intuition. “I suggest meditation. There is a feeling in your gut versus a feeling in your chest. The feeling in your chest is anxiety. The feeling in your gut is intuition. I always encourage people to be present so that you can distinguish which emotion is which. To distinguish intuition from insecurity, I tell people to stop disillusioning the mind with outside sources. So when you are in mistrust, don’t ask other people. Don’t reach out. That gives you more opinions you need to filter through. I try to encourage people to get refocused with intuition because that is the epicenter of the bullshit.” Imani 3.1.jpg ![Imani 3.1.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b3aac7a88e544f757868_Imani%2B3.1.jpeg) Among the countless number of readings she has given, I asked her if she has had any particularly moving readings. “I have had a soul family/client that is really close to me who was experiencing symptoms I felt like were cancer and we were able to do early detection of cancer and save this person’s life. Now, they are in remission. It was touching because this person and I are close in age; it really gave me confidence and gratitude in my gift. The work that I do reinserts the gratitude for life consistently in my day. There are so many worse things. We take for granted all the things we are blessed with.” As 2019 is upon us, Imani closes out with some much needed advice for all of us to follow, “Accountability, baby, it is all about uh-count-uh-bil-ity and from there we can be transparent. We can be our full true, honest selves. We can get everything we need to get from this life and more. It comes from honesty and being clear about what we are so we can have absolute clarity on where we are going. I hope to be wrapping the soul family together with that message, this remainder of the quarter. So we can really focus on this accountability piece in 2019. Get the strap!” Follow Imani Cohen on Instagram: [@TheHoodHealer](https://www.instagram.com/thehoodhealer/?hl=en) * * * Written by: Collin Schreiber [@CollinPSchreiber](https://www.instagram.com/collinpschreiber/)