[Deena Lynch](https://www.instagram.com/deenajonze/?hl=en) (a.k.a. [_Jaguar Jonze_](https://jaguarjonze.com)) is nothing short of a manifold visionary: she's the musician and artist behind [_Spectator Jonze_](https://spectatorjonze.com) (visual art) and [_Dusky Jonze_](https://duskyjonze.com) (photography) creative projects. First using songwriting as a way to help manage the grief of having a close friend pass away, she eventually found herself becoming a mental health advocate via talking about her struggles and experiences through various media. Though each of Deena’s projects has its own unique identity, they all aim to confront shame and social taboos. "Everything I do stems from the need for dialogue - _Jaguar_ being an internal dialogue with my subconscious, _Spectator_ being an external dialogue with others on mental health and the mind and _Dusky_ being a dialogue with the body,” the artist explained.
_Jaguar Jonze_’s latest ethereal-pop single “Beijing Baby” is technically about those who hide behind their privilege; however, it’s also a nod to the family-related hardships she had to go through as a child and the PTSD that looms over her life to this day.
Today, we premiere the official music video for this single. A foreword from the artist: “‘Beijing Baby’ is about facades and hiding behind privilege. It touches on the obsession of materialism and the forever-chase to fill insatiable voids. The song shines light on how it affects our behavior and the hurt it can cause. I wanted to portray this in the music video conceptually, which is the reason behind the opulent robe, long drapes of sleeves and the mask.”
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Written by: [Valerie Stepanova](https://www.instagram.com/valerie__stepanova/)
Director: [Ben Gerbanas](https://www.instagram.com/bgerbanas/)
DoP: [Alex Cummings](https://www.instagram.com/alexcummingsfilm/)
Pusher Films
Producer: [Deena Lynch](https://deenalynch.com)
Camera Assistant: [Jack Dowley](https://www.instagram.com/jdowlicious/)
Lighting Assistant & BTS: [Cam Attree](https://www.instagram.com/camattreephoto/)
Costume Designer: [Cindy Vogels](http://cindyvogels.com)
Make Up Artist: [Carly Lim](http://carlylim.com)
Hair Stylist: [Annie McDonald](https://www.mikkiauldhairdressing.com)
Set Designer: Nick Wood
Assistants: [Hayden Bradshaw](https://www.instagram.com/yeahshaw/) & [Chloe Mills](https://www.instagram.com/millsandchlo_/)