JAiRUS | Get in the "Groove" with the rising musician

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IMG\_5777.jpeg ![IMG_5777.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1626722476132-VT3HHQLMW7IRUY2VN2UM/IMG_5777.jpeg) Young soul artist [JAiRUS](http://ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=13960777&l=077b67af-259f-4f40-b5bd-bacd425396f6&r=d86981f4-7aa5-4a5b-8d57-1879e0480c2f) is bringing back the sounds of the 1970s with his own flare—and doing it in flare jeans. Music, having said to descend language, also can descend time, and JAiRUS is living proof of that. As nostalgia thrives, so does an appreciation for soul, delivering JAiRUS the perfect audience for his self described “groovy” sounds. While paying homage to his genre predecessors—JAiRUS incorporates modernity into his sound with subtle touches of electric sound mixing on chorus verses, blending them into the perfect tracks for today’s music scene. His golden pipes and smooth verses put him at the intersection of funk and r&b, or most accurately described—a genre of new soul from an old soul. Credit: Caleb Griffin and Domia Edwards ![Credit: Caleb Griffin and Domia Edwards](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d6511bd76f098e4d9b9a_Groove%2BCover%2BImage.jpeg) Credit: Caleb Griffin and Domia Edwards His music roots are palpable in his style. Having learned to sing within his church, angelic qualities of gospel are intwined in his music. “As for me, an old soul, I wanted to make a new classic. When people hear ‘Groove,’ I want them to not only feel groovy, but transport them to their happy place” says the artist,” says JAiRUS. His newest track “[Groove](https://open.spotify.com/track/3S65DY63B6MyDF4e93wADx?si=7077a074264b4332)” is the culmination of his career so far, a reflection of the aforementioned magic that is his voice and rhythm. It was made for your summer 2021 playlist. Thankfully, there is more to come with a new EP on the way. Once you hear his vocals, you will undoubtedly want more. IMG\_5760.jpeg ![IMG_5760.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1626722455592-1ALW3B3AX80TD3MDJZFP/IMG_5760.jpeg)