Kamil Misztal Reveals Why He Thinks You Should Associate With Like-Minded People
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1628285846081-51TX4GLK70EXMDVG0SOO/Photo+Apr+01%2C+10+51+38+AM+%281%29.jpg) There are many successful and influential people, and every single one knows others who are just as talented as they are. This implies that if you want to rise to the top, you have to surround yourself with those who also aim to reach the pinnacle of their careers. The self-made millionaire and entrepreneur Kamil Misztal agrees with this insight and encourages others to build connections. Kamil currently owns a car rental company and a THC/CBD brand. Through his years of experience in the entrepreneurial world, he believes he has gained power and influence. In addition, he states that thousands of aspiring business owners have been inspired by him and follow his advice on how they can climb the ladder to success. He started at the bottom as an employee at grocery stores and car detailing shops when he was only 13 years old. His job allowed him to earn barely enough to help his family financially and save up for his future plans. Afterward, he moved from business to business, and along the journey, he encountered many people who have played a significant role in his success. For instance, he met someone looking to start a career in the car rental industry. They decided to form a partnership and start their shop in Florida and later moved to Chicago. With their efforts, he reported that the company thrived, and it allowed Kamil to meet more influential people, which led to him opening more businesses. He then opened a THC/CBD business, which focuses on collaborating with social media influencers and rappers. Of course, it goes without saying that it wouldn’t have been possible for him to partner with these renowned public figures if not for his connections. This is why Kamil always emphasizes that you should build professional relationships, whether it be with people within or outside your industry. It won’t be easy to succeed as a business owner, but it will be even more challenging if you don’t associate yourself with people who also desire success. Whenever you need help, don’t be afraid to reach out. Of course, that goes both ways, so whenever they also ask for support, be there for them too. He believes that while you should also learn from your losses and failures, note that you don’t always have to suffer first before you can finally understand what you’re supposed to do. This is where experienced professionals, experts, and mentors come into play. Most of them will be more than willing to share the wisdom they have learned from their journey. There are a lot of lessons you can learn from their experiences. Kamil stresses that you won’t go far in your career if you only focus on your own goals. You might think this is the best choice to make since all your efforts will be for your success, but it’s actually the opposite. If you want to grow within your industry, follow Kamil’s advice and associate with people who will help reach your full potential.