Photographed by [Megumi Murphy](https://www.instagram.com/megumimurphy/?hl=en).
Casual Friday afternoon at the office? Think again. Today we were challenged mentally, physically, and spiritually with the practice of Kundalini Yoga lead by artist Lisa Reider. Her art primarily focuses on identity and the subconscious- so it is not surprising to find out she has a background in Behavioral Psychology. She attributes her Kundalini practice as both the catalyst and anchor for her current work in the same way her prior career as a professional dancer gave the foundation to expand into a choreographer. “I now use my Kundalini practice to surpass the perceived capacities of my mind while performing, in the way I once did with my body through dance.”
Don’t know much about Kundalini? Or fear the cult like depiction of gurus on Netflix? Well don’t run quite yet - we weren’t put into a handmaiden wagon or asked to turn in our iphones and other wordly belongings. With the likes of Alicia Keys, Die Antword, Kate Hudson, and Russel Brand swearing by this “new” it practice, we figured there must be some proof behind the pudding.
As taught by Yogi Bhajan, Kundalini yoga is considered the “yoga of awareness” and is a sacred and scientific technology that gives one the capacity to access a deeper level of self realization, resilience, and perseverance while elevating consciousness. Kundalini Yoga is a multifaceted and highly effective practice. You can do the simplest variations, such as breathwork, chanting a simple mantra, or explore more elaborate meditations (kriyas) where there is a specific sequence of breathwork, mantra, yoga and mudra that all work together in order to balance different aspects of the mind. When any of them are practiced consecutively for 40–120 -1000 days, the results have an incredibly lasting impact.
A majority of her clients come from the music and entertainment industry, so we found ourselves walking across the street to a recording studio she often uses when clients are in need of a creative reboot or coming off a long tour. Lisa, a long time friend of our digital editor BJ Panda Bear, has an obvious passion for teaching Kundalini, making the experience all the more stimulating. She began practicing Kundalini eight years ago and stresses that “It’s important with any practice you find to worship the water, not the pipe. It’s not about who you are getting the information from, but how you are able to translate it into your day to day life and personal practice. I’ve had to get over some pretty difficult hurdles in life and learned a lot of different ways to do so, but the best teachers and healers are always the ones that never make it about them. They show you how to use the tools and then put them in your hands and say go to work! And it might not be pleasant at first, but it’s up to you to simply KEEP UP! as Yogi Bhajan would say.”
The meditations she chose for us work to clear the subconscious mind of any destructive thought patterns and behaviors by changing the energetic patterns of the body, offering clarity, focus, balance and a powerful radiance. There are thousands of meditations that can do just about anything from bringing in opportunity and abundance, protecting against negative attacks, calling in your partner to lowering your blood pressure and a better night’s sleep.
Below are the exercises she taught us that are easy enough to do in your home, the office, or wherever.

Photographed by [Megumi Murphy](https://www.instagram.com/megumimurphy/?hl=en).
Before every practice a chant is said 3 times. “Ong namo guru dev namo”

Photographed by [Megumi Murphy](https://www.instagram.com/megumimurphy/?hl=en).
A great way to start the practice is with a quick series of yogic movements, whether that is moving through cat/cow pose or simply sitting in straddle, alternately moving left to right touching your toes (or as close as possible) with both hands. Try for 1-3 minutes.

Photographed by [Megumi Murphy](https://www.instagram.com/megumimurphy/?hl=en).
Ego Eradicator opens the lungs and consolidates the magnetic field. This meditation is a great way to start the day and also helps bring energy to the body, move emotions or blocks, and brings the mind into a state of alertness.
Posture: This exercise can be done cross-legged or on the knees. Raise the arms up into a V shape (60 degree angle). Keep the elbows straight and the shoulders down. Straighten the spine and neck into alignment and with a fist arms are raised up into the air with the thumbs stretched out, pointing towards each other (“thumbs up”).
Eyes: Eyes are closed.
Mental Focus: Focus above the head.
Breath: Breath of Fire ( a rapid and equal inhalation and exhalation through the nose)
Time: Continue for 1 - 3 minutes.
To end: Inhale deeply and bring the arms overhead with the thumbtips touching. Open the fingers, exhale and relax the arms down.
There are variations of this exercise found in many different kriyas.

Photographed by [Megumi Murphy](https://www.instagram.com/megumimurphy/?hl=en).
The pressure exerted by the thumbs in this meditation triggers a rhythmic reflex current into the central brain. This current activates the brain area directly underneath the stem of the pineal gland. It is an imbalance in this area that makes mental and physical addictions seemingly unbreakable.
Human habit patterns are set or broken in 40 day cycles. More deeply ingrained patterns may take longer to correct. Once the pineal gland has started secreting, it will give you radiance. It will free you from old patterns.
In modern culture, this imbalance is pandemic. If we are not addicted to smoking, eating, drinking, or drugs, then we are addicted subconsciously to acceptance, advancement, rejection, emotional love, etc.
All of these lead us to insecure and neurotic behavior patterns. This meditation corrects the problem and is excellent for everyone.
With practice the time of this meditation can be increased from 5-7 minutes to 20 minutes and ultimately to 31 minutes.

Photographed by [Megumi Murphy](https://www.instagram.com/megumimurphy/?hl=en).
Posture: Sit in an Easy Pose (cross legged on the ground). Straighten and hold the spine and neck in alignment
Mudra: Make fists of both hands and extend the thumbs straight. Place the thumbs on the temples and find the niche where the thumbs just fit and you can feel the push if you clench your back molars.
Lock the back molars together and keep the lips closed. Keeping the teeth pressed together throughout the entire exercise, squeeze the molars tightly and then release the pressure to the sound of the mantra SA TA NA MA. A muscle will move in rhythm under the thumbs. Feel it massage the thumbs and apply a firm pressure with the hands.
Eyes: Keep the eyes closed and focus at the Brow Point.
Mantra: Silently vibrate the five primal sounds—the Panj Shabd: Sa Ta Na Ma—at the brow.
Time: Continue for 5 - 31 minutes.
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If you want to find out more about the work Lisa is doing you can check out either of her websites or instagram.