L’Eau de Distance | Danilo Lauria Launches NFT Perfume

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Courtesy of Danilo Lauria. ![Courtesy of Danilo Lauria.](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d77ce0b358681d2fd848_L%2527eau%2Bde%2Bdistance%2B2.jpeg) Courtesy of Danilo Lauria. Can crypto have a scent? New York-based visual artist Danilo Lauria and perfume expert Gunu Kapoor from Privé Label came together to find an answer to this question. And lo and behold, they did. The release of NFT perfume _L’Eau de Distance_ was announced today and will be initially launched virtually on the crypto user platform [Hic et Nunc](https://www.hicetnunc.xyz). Hic et Nunc was chosen by Lauria for its use of a more eco-friendly proof-of-work system (PoW systems tend to be less environmentally friendly). Staying in the theme of sustainability, the promotional photo campaign features environmental activist Marina Testino.  _L’Eau de Distance_ was born during lockdown after Kapoor saw Lauria’s remote photo series of the same name and approached him to make the scent a reality. Lauria, who is no stranger to pushing the boundaries of digital media, was immediately on board.  Screen Shot 2021-09-02 at 4.50.53 PM.png ![Screen Shot 2021-09-02 at 4.50.53 PM.png](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d77de0b358681d2fd85a_Screen%2BShot%2B2021-09-02%2Bat%2B4.50.53%2BPM.png) “We are seeing how the digital world is gaining weight every day: Augmented reality, cryptocurrencies, remote work...That's why we thought it was time to open the conversation of the virtual scent,” explained Lauria.  Danilo Lauria.jpg ![Danilo Lauria.jpg](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d77ce0b358681d2fd837_Danilo%2BLauria.jpeg) _L’Eau de Distance_ will be released for sale in a limited edition of 10 NFTs for 300 Tezos each on the Hic et Nunc platform. Each of the buyers will also receive a bottle of the physical fragrance. Courtesy of Danilo Lauria. ![Courtesy of Danilo Lauria.](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d77ce0b358681d2fd844_L%2527eau%2Bde%2Bdistance%2B3.jpeg) Courtesy of Danilo Lauria.