Liza Anne Q&A | Be Self-Devoted

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[Liza Anne](https://www.instagram.com/lizaannemusic/), the Nashville indie singer-songwriter, is wise beyond her years with lyrics that encourage confidence. Her newest single “Devotion” explores the process of growth and healing after a toxic relationship. However, it is not just about overcoming the pain - she uses her music to give people courage. Her unique perspective and understanding of the world shows through her work and we had the pleasure of getting some advice from her. **“Devotion” is a song about empowerment and self-worth. What advice do you have for those struggling in a toxic relationship?** Speak up for yourself. Speaking up for yourself only doesn’t make sense to someone who doesn’t value you and love doesn’t make you forget about yourself. It’s really difficult to cut a tie with someone who you love but I’ve learned that nothing is worth losing yourself over. I think I always thought I was doing something noble by sticking it all out - like the return would be worth all the pain. And I do admire that part of myself that is willing to put in work when I care for someone but there is nothing worth watching yourself disappear. I want to put that work in when the work put in is equal on both sides - love is an equal burden to bear, not a one sided loss. It’s a consideration of both realities as valid.  **How have you found freedom from negativity? How do you practice self-love?** Freedom comes from letting people in. I think that I tend to isolate and my internal dialogue can be pretty grim - I’ve very hard on myself and am embarrassed at the loops I still get caught in internally but a key is having people in front of you that mirror back who you are. Especially after you spent a while viewing yourself through a very broken mirror. There’s this really wonderful balance between letting people in and having a sacred door to close where you fill yourself up - this last year has been finding that balance.  Photographed by Phoenix Johnson. ![Photographed by Phoenix Johnson.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb5cae0ca9f416e21200_flaunt%2Bmagazine%2BLiza%2BAnne%2B-1.jpeg) Photographed by [Phoenix Johnson](https://www.instagram.com/phojoh/?hl=en). **I saw that you've spoken about people believing that if you're happy you can't be anxious or depressed. Has this duality influenced you in any way?** We all exist in duality - learning that gave me a bit of softness towards myself. Giving space to the reality that things don’t have to be black and white - they can exist in this really special, sensitive and empowered space where you can give things a moment. I think as human beings we like to define things - this is one way, that is another - but there’s a lot of things that can’t be pinned down. I think there is more peace than dissonance in that.  **What was your experience like being on the road and touring with Lucy Dacus?** It was such a grounding thing. She invites such a sense of care and consideration by way of her outlook on the world. It felt like an invitation to be softer towards myself. I loved watching a room of people respond to her energy - everyone seemed to leave glowing with a sense of assured confidence and tenderness that would stick past the music's end. I want to give people that same feeling - I left that tour with a clear idea of why on earth we do what we do. It was very inspiring.   Photographed by Phoenix Johnson. ![Photographed by Phoenix Johnson.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb5cae0ca9f416e212d8_flaunt%2Bmagazine%2BLiza%2BAnne%2B-2.jpeg) Photographed by [Phoenix Johnson](https://www.instagram.com/phojoh/?hl=en). **What would you like to see in the future as far as your career goals? Any milestones you'd like to achieve?** More music, more shows where I hear people singing the songs back to me, more poetry, finding the balance between work and self and love and quiet space.  **Are there any artists you’d like to work with or styles of music you'd like to venture into?** I’d love to write with Julia Michaels, I am really such a fan of her work, her voice, her stance. Regarding styles of music for myself, I think I just want to keep moving forward - everything builds on itself. I’m really looking forward to being older with a look backwards at what I’m feeling now.   **What’s coming up next for you?**  Lots of new music in 2020 and a sort of rethinking of what our live show feels like. I’m just really excited to keep expanding with no set arrival - growing and growing and growing and more growing, all put to some sound.