Photo Credit: Lauren Desberg
[Lorelei](https://www.instagram.com/loreleimarcell/) is here to stand out, and she’s been doing just that. Although it may be easy to categorize the singer-songwriter into the pop genre, it’s her diverse pool of influences that sets her apart from the rest. At only 18 years old, the rising star is already living out her dreams, slowly and surely unraveling the story of Lorelei.
Moving from Boston to Los Angeles, Lorelei has come a long way from taking vocal lessons and doing musicals to now releasing her [self-titled debut EP.](https://ffm.to/loreleimarcell_ep) Growing a buzz through doing covers of hits from Rihanna, Al Green, and Matt Simons online, Lorelei released her debut single “Losing Myself” in 2019, following it up with endless pop anthems since.
In describing herself, she reveals she’s “pretty easy-going and creative. I’m not super into astrology, but I’m a Scorpio so I’m very emotional. I’m all about human connection. I really value relationships.”
Lorelei’s music doesn’t just to sound good, she’s here to empower and inspire audiences all around the world. _Flaunt_ caught up with Loreli via Zoom to discuss her sound, her upbringing, the turning point in her music, inspo behind “Your Biggest Fan,” releasing her self-titled debut EP, studio essentials, graduating high school during COVID, her fashion sense, going on her first tour, goals, and more!

Photo Credit: Lauren Desberg

Photo Credit: Lauren Desberg
**How would you describe your sound?**
It’s pretty pop, but I get influenced by folk artists and R&B singers. I like writing pop music but I’d say it’s a little different from your average pop songs and things like that.
**You were born outside of Philadelphia, then moved to Connecticut before settling in Boston. How was that growing up?**
I was really young when I moved from Pennsylvania. I really liked it there because I grew up there, it was super familiar. We lived near this big town pool, I really enjoyed living and growing up there. My favorite chain is Wawa outside of Philly, I love Wawa. \[laughs\] It's a convenience store fast food place, people who live there like New Jersey don’t know what it is. I go there every time, I really enjoyed that.
I didn't love moving a lot, especially from Connecticut. I didn't love living in Connecticut, but I was sad to move. Obviously, I was really happy I did. The Boston area’s my favorite out of any place I've lived so far. I went to a really good school and I made a lot of great friends. The town center was super close to our house, it was nice to run in the neighborhood. It's a really pretty place. I'm a sucker for the fall and autumn, I believe the fall is so beautiful on the East Coast.
**At what point did you realize this music thing was forreal?**
It was always something I knew I wanted to pursue or do. I never really had a plan B. There were things in school that I enjoyed. I was really into academics and learning, but it was never my strong suit. Music was always a no-brainer. Ever since I was little, I’d be recording videos and performing, doing all that. It was never really a question: this is what I was going to be doing, which I'm thankful to have learned at such a young age. It's been a journey. It’s just beginning but it feels like I've been here for a while.
**“Your Biggest Fan” out now, how are you feeling?**
I feel amazing! It's really applicable to my life right now. It's super current and it definitely well describes my situation right now. The way I captured those lyrics really does resonate with me.
**Who or what inspired this record?**
It was a cool experience to write it. When I finally got to record it, it felt surreal because I had just wrote it. A month or two later, I went out and recorded it so it was still really fresh. When I worked with a producer, it was so cool to see it come to life. Yes, this is my life right now and it's now in song form.
**How did it feel to move across the country to LA?**
It’s been weird. \[laughs\] All my friends are in college and doing their thing. A lot of them are staying on the East Coast. I definitely left behind a lot of people, which sucks but there’s sacrifice and consequences when you’re doing something you love.
**What was your creative vision with the video?**
The music video was a crazy journey, it was so fun to film. The director’s awesome. When we had our Zoom talking about what direction we’re going with, I remember I barely had to say “I want to do this and that.” They knew everything. We had the same vision which was really cool, before we even talked about it. Everyone was so on board and in good spirits, it was a great experience.
**What’s the best memory from shooting?**
You know the first or last scene, I was really “Oh my gosh, starstruck.” Having these cameras in my face because it was my first real music video like that. I filmed others before or been a part of it, but this was the first indoor homemade built set. I remember when we’re filming it, it was our first run through with the fake snow. It all got in my mouth and my face while we’re filming, I was trying to stay in character. \[laughs\] That was cool.
**How’d it feel to release your self-titled, _Lorelei Marcell_ EP?**
It feels really cool. There’s not a ton of people I can relate to about it, but that's a really special thing: doing my own thing on my own path. It's been so cool, it's been 2 to 3 years in the making since I wrote my first song so it's a really great feeling. There’s really no other way to describe it than whoa.
**What do you want fans to take away from that project?**
I want people to remember or feel what it is, or connect with being young and how intense everything feels in growing up. Leaving home whether it’s the first time going to college or whatever it might be, I want people to resonate with that. Look back on that and all those intense feelings of change.
**How is this music a stepping stone for the next chapter of Lorelei?**
Definitely, my next album and the next chapter, this really is a stepping stone. Here’s me, but I have more to offer. I’m excited to write more, hopefully release another album in the next year.
**Favorite song on the project and why?**
Right now, I want to say “Your Biggest Fan” because it connects with my life so much right now. I also love “Billion Reasons,” it's a really cool track and I've always really liked that one.
**What is it you want fans to get from your story?**
Hopefully they can connect with it and want more. Going back to the stepping stone question, I want people to ask “who’s she? What more does she have to offer?” That really sums it up, the change and resonating with that.
**3 things you need in the studio?**
Some water. Some potato chips or some snacks, like an apple or something healthy. Definitely a notebook or a phone too, some way to document or write things.
**How was graduating high school during COVID?**
Oh my gosh, it was so weird. The past year was really bizarre because I felt really busy all the time, but also felt like I had nothing to do. It was a weird mind game. Graduating was a little underwhelming. I thought it was going to be this massive big experience, all these grad parties and everything like that. It wasn't really like that, which was a bummer but I was so used to things getting cancelled that I was grateful to have one and be there. It was weird though, a lot of social distancing and weird cheering with the masks.

Photo Credit: Lauren Desberg

Photo Credit: Lauren Desberg
**Being only 18, what do you like to do for fun?**
I love running. It doesn't sound like fun for a lot of people, but I did cross country and track in high school so I love doing that still. I normally run a 5K so 3 miles. Sometimes I’ll do half a mile or 5 miles, it really depends. \[laughs\] I love hanging out with friends and grabbing coffee, things like that too.
**How would you describe your fashion sense?**
That’s a good question. It's always changing. I like the school girl, also a little grunge. That vibe. I love wearing really big hoops, ripped jeans and sweatshirts.
**What’re you most excited for next?**
I’m going on tour with Transviolet, that’s where all the focus has been right now. A lot of live performing, hopefully after I get home from the tour, some new music. Singles, hopefully an album. Look out for it!
**Are you nervous to** [**go on your first tour**](https://www.loreleimarcell.com/tour)**?**
It is a little bit weird. The rehearsals definitely prepared me a little more, as they do. It’ll be nerve-wracking, especially the first show. After I rip the bandaid off, I’ll be totally fine. I definitely do get a little nervous but it doesn't really stop me from going through with it.
**Goals yourself as an artist at this point of your career?**
I’d love to work with some other artists and collab, whether it would be writing or a duet. Just a song with other artists I look up to or listen to. That’s a future goal, hopefully present and future.
**Anything else you want to let us know?**
Stream my music, look out for some fun tour stuff. If anyone listening is in the area of one of the shows, I’ll be all around the US. Feel free to check that out, maybe I'll see you there. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.