Karolina Maszkiewicz’s Woolsey | John Zappa’s Y 'M P L N T
Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz ![Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb6829ed4fd156b19eff_maszkiewiczzappas.jpeg) Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz Los Angeles- based arts [Karolina Maszkiewicz](https://www.karolinamaszkiewicz.com) and John Zappas join together for an exhibition at Ochi Projects that highlights their materials and process.  Their latest projects _Woolsey_ and _Y ‘M P L N T_  calls attention to climate change and the idea of value which will be on display at [Ochi Projects](https://www.ochiprojects.com) until December 21st.   Karolina Maszkiewics’s _Woolsey_, is named after the the 2018 Woolsey Fire that destroyed over 97,000 acres of Los Angels and Ventura counties, including her studio.  Once the fire had subsided, Maszikievic’s explored the aftermath collecting pieces of charred wood and debris.  She suspended her findings into her latest sculptural masterpiece that plays with balance and point of view.  The kinetic aspect of her sculptures reflects the idea of movement in modern nature.  With destruction at her doorstep, she hopes to give attention to the effects climate change in everyday Los Angeles. John Zappas’ salvages his materials for his line drawing series _Y ‘M P L N T,_ challenging his audience to be more mindful in this externally obsessed culture.  Zappas collected pieces of unwanted furniture from IKEA’s “as is” section and sanded them down to create his recycled surfaces, defying the preconceived conception of what is of value and what is considered waste.  With his self-made oil sticks, he creates line movements with a certain performative quality that implies that the process of creating is as equally important as the end result.  Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz ![Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb6829ed4fd156b19f08_3.jpeg) Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz ![Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb6829ed4fd156b19f03_2.jpeg) Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz * * * Karolina Maszkiewicz’s Woolsey and John Zappa’s Y 'M P L N T at Ochi Projects until December 21 | [**3301 W WASHINGTON BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90018**](https://www.google.com/maps/search/3301+W+WASHINGTON+BLVD,+LOS+ANGELES,+CA+90018?entry=gmail&source=g)
Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz ![Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb6829ed4fd156b19eff_maszkiewiczzappas.jpeg) Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz Los Angeles- based arts [Karolina Maszkiewicz](https://www.karolinamaszkiewicz.com) and John Zappas join together for an exhibition at Ochi Projects that highlights their materials and process.  Their latest projects _Woolsey_ and _Y ‘M P L N T_  calls attention to climate change and the idea of value which will be on display at [Ochi Projects](https://www.ochiprojects.com) until December 21st.   Karolina Maszkiewics’s _Woolsey_, is named after the the 2018 Woolsey Fire that destroyed over 97,000 acres of Los Angels and Ventura counties, including her studio.  Once the fire had subsided, Maszikievic’s explored the aftermath collecting pieces of charred wood and debris.  She suspended her findings into her latest sculptural masterpiece that plays with balance and point of view.  The kinetic aspect of her sculptures reflects the idea of movement in modern nature.  With destruction at her doorstep, she hopes to give attention to the effects climate change in everyday Los Angeles. John Zappas’ salvages his materials for his line drawing series _Y ‘M P L N T,_ challenging his audience to be more mindful in this externally obsessed culture.  Zappas collected pieces of unwanted furniture from IKEA’s “as is” section and sanded them down to create his recycled surfaces, defying the preconceived conception of what is of value and what is considered waste.  With his self-made oil sticks, he creates line movements with a certain performative quality that implies that the process of creating is as equally important as the end result.  Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz ![Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb6829ed4fd156b19f08_3.jpeg) Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz ![Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb6829ed4fd156b19f03_2.jpeg) Photos courtesy of Karolina Maszkiewicz * * * Karolina Maszkiewicz’s Woolsey and John Zappa’s Y 'M P L N T at Ochi Projects until December 21 | [**3301 W WASHINGTON BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90018**](https://www.google.com/maps/search/3301+W+WASHINGTON+BLVD,+LOS+ANGELES,+CA+90018?entry=gmail&source=g)