YouTube is the world's second-largest search engine, providing millions of content creators with the opportunity to showcase their talents. Matt Par, a successful 20-year-old YouTuber, has been creating engaging content since 2014 and has received multiple silver play buttons along with a gold play button. Matt runs 9 successful YouTube channels, all with diverse content. On his personal channel, [Make Money Matt](https://www.youtube.com/c/makemoneymatt), he talks about how to make money from YouTube.
Here are 5 pro-tips that Matt Par shares for all aspiring YouTubers.
**Choose a Specific Niche**
In many of his videos, Matt has mentioned the importance of finding a niche and creating content around the same thing consistently. That would give viewers an understanding of who you are, what you are trying to do, and eventually make your channel credible.
According to Matt, choosing a single niche will also get you a higher view to subscriber ratio. That is because people who watch one of your videos and then check out your channel to see more related videos on the topic are much more likely to subscribe to your channel than if you made videos on a variety of subjects.
**Have a Consistent Posting Schedule**
Being consistent with content quality and publishing frequency is of utmost importance. Whether you choose to post daily or weekly, you must keep the momentum going. This builds expectations amongst your viewers and helps you fulfill them. YouTube prefers the idea of 'the more, the merrier, but it would be up to you to plan and stick to an uploading strategy that suits you.
Matt recommends choosing a schedule that will allow you to produce more videos than you are uploading. For example, if you can make 5 videos a week, you could upload only 3 videos a week so you’re building a backlog. This backlog of videos is important, because if you ever wanted to take a break from uploading, you can. YouTube also even allows you to schedule your videos so that videos can be going up on autopilot.
**Optimize Your Content**
To make sure your YouTube videos have the best chance for success, Matt Par recommends a few things. Firstly, he says that you can diversify your content strategy. This may look like getting 50% of your video ideas from keyword research using tools like VidIQ and the other 50% from already popular videos in your niche from YouTube itself.
If you use a tool like VidIQ, you can find the best keywords to use in your videos and then correspondingly add these keywords in the title, description, and tags, for best results.
Although, Matt stresses that your content has to still be good in order to get the best results. Even the best keywords in the world won’t make up for low quality content.
**Apply the Consecutive Content Technique**
Irrespective of how unique your content is, you must admit that there are several other creators creating content on similar subjects. If you wish to surpass them, you must aim at getting ranked in your viewers' top searches or be visible as a suggested video.
Here's a way that Matt Par suggests. Find the highest-ranked video in your niche and create two videos on the topic and make them lengthy. The key is to interlink your videos with one another in the right sequence for the viewers to stay hooked. The link to the second video in the description of the first one, as the card in the beginning, and pin it as a comment for maximized visibility.
The YouTube algorithm likes to see that you’re keeping people on the platform and will reward you as a result.
**Analyze and Revise**
Analyze your content regularly to understand your audience's liking, ignoring, session time, and watch time. Then, revise your content based on the insights you gather so that you can cater to your audience's preferences and rank higher on YouTube. YouTube makes this easy by providing you analytics.
What analytics should you be studying? Matt recommends focusing on your average view duration and click through rate over time, and if you consistently do this, over time your channel will grow!
Matt Par wanted to become an entrepreneur and focused on YouTube. A successful content creator now, Matt offers [online programs](https://mattpar.com/courses/) to help others leverage the platform. He believes that the trick to succeeding on YouTube lies not in following a norm, but in knowing the right way to optimize and present your channel on the platform.