Murmurs Cafe Opening

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Photo courtesy of Murmurs. ![Photo courtesy of Murmurs.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472ba851c74efe294c02583_image-asset.jpeg) Photo courtesy of Murmurs. [Murmurs](https://murmurs.la) has expanded its creative gathering space with the opening of Murmurs Cafe, located inside their downtown Los Angeles’ Manufacturing District. The cafe adds to Murmurs’ mission of connecting the art community and offering it a different lens through which to experience collaboration-based artwork: this time, through the artistry and consumption of food. The cafe’s menu will be changing seasonally, yet it will have a fixed menu featuring organic coffee from Equator Coffees and savory sandwiches and salads from Farmshop. With free WiFi for all and outdoor, pet-friendly seating in the garden, Murmurs Cafe will continue to foster the interconnectivity amongst the diverse art community and the beauty that emerges from collaboration. The Cafe will also donate portions of sales to a non-profit organization working to alleviate homelessness in DTLA. This weekend's opens with "Emotional Hardcore" a dinner event Saturday night prepared by Mexico-City based artist [Albert Samreth](http://albertsamreth.com). Tickets are available [here](https://withfriends.co/event/2800672/emotional_hardcore_a_dinner_by_albert_samreth). Photo courtesy of Murmurs. ![Photo courtesy of Murmurs.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472ba851c74efe294c0257f_Flaunt%2BMagazine%2Bmurmurs%2Bcafe%2B5.jpeg) Photo courtesy of Murmurs. * * * Murmurs | 1411 Newton St. Los Angeles, CA 90021