How OnlyOptionsTrades Is Changing the Stigma of Millennials in the Stock Market
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/4ff67e45-4493-4f2f-9d94-23319c78bf2b/Screen+Shot+2021-10-22+at+2.17.45+AM.png) A recent study by Bankrate shows that only 23% of the population aged 18–37 are willing to invest their money in the stock market. This implies that a significant portion of the population doesn’t feel secure pumping their money into stocks. The intriguing factor is that the majority of Gen-Z are willing to save but not invest. A quick study will indicate that more than 75% of millennials can embrace a certain degree of saving money but don’t work well with other investments. However, stock markets remain the least likely investment option for millennials. Among the many reasons that make them shy away from this investment option is the notion that the stock market can collapse or crash, resulting in losses. The desire to have access to liquid cash is also another major reason fueling millennials’ hesitation to invest in the stock market. But, according to OnlyOptionsTrades, these are far from valid reasons to stay away from stock investments. The company is on a mission to change the stigma of millennials shying away from the stock market. According to the company, stocks are a feasible and practical investment option for everyone. The business might be risky, but there are techniques and analysis that you can adopt to reduce the risks in trading. In addition, trading in the stock market also allows for short-term investments available through day trading that have a one-day turnover. OnlyOptionsTrades has since taken the mandate to meet the rising demand for financial education. They noticed a rise in popularity of the stock market and trading apps such as Robinhood and groups like WallStreetBets. OnlyOptionsTrades was established in early 2020 with a mission to help the average person become literate in the stock markets. Their target is for any willing trader but mostly millennials to help them understand the dynamics of trading. According to the OnlyOptionsTrades’ leadership, most millennials are ‘fooled’ into mistaking stock market investing as a get-rich-quick scheme that leaves them devastated and disappointed. It’s the biggest challenge they have faced, particularly with most of the audience being beginners joining the OnlyOptionsTrades group. “The people who hop right in the stock market thinking they’ll get rich overnight while not understanding the basics of trading always get a harsh wake-up call. Our biggest challenge is showing people that you don’t need to get rich from one big trade; small, consistent gains add up,” says the CEO Anthony DeGalbo. Fortunately, they are gradually washing away this mentality by educating each of their members about the basics of trading and, more importantly, making them understand that trading is a life-long journey with many bumps that are overcome with the proper knowledge. This includes educating them to do technical and fundamental market analysis to make safer investment decisions. You can also benefit from their classes as they are offered live five days a week with a recorded version for any member who might miss out on them live. Amazingly, OnlyOptionsTrades has a consistent online class schedule five nights a week for all skills levels. The best you can do is join them and be a part of their community alongside thousands of other members.