Q&A | Orion Sun

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Photographed by Sandy Ismail. ![Photographed by Sandy Ismail.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bda2c9ecb85a0d6f5fa2_Flaunt%2BMagazine%2BOrion%2BSun%2B1.jpeg) Photographed by [Sandy Ismail](https://instagram.com/sandyiism). A young visionary, 23-year-old [Orion Sun](https://www.instagram.com/cloudgem/?hl=en) has grazed onto the scene with soft ballads and a unique creative presence. Her debut album _Hold Space For Me_ features singles such as “Coffee for Dinner,” “Ne Me Quitte Pas (Don't Leave Me),” and her latest, “Lighting” that delves into her past recounting moments of loss and restoration. At just a tender age, Orion has overcome many trials, but with smooth sounds and trippy visuals her strength shines through. Jersey-born, Philly-based, Tiffany Majette a.k.a. Orion Sun has created quite a buzz for herself owning her “distant and soft” persona with each release. Her music mixes decades of sounds into one, the visual for “Lighting” even pays homage to Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On,” leaving a note of nostalgia traveling through history with the heartfelt storytelling of her life. The one-woman show, Orion writes, produces and sings each of her songs, constructing the exact thing she was looking for in music with the tools place in and before her. **Where do you find your inspiration?**  I find inspiration from my past and the lessons I have learned from it or the lessons that I still need to learn because of my thick skull or coming to terms with no lesson to be learned and that things just happen without anything to gain from it. those are always the hardest to accept. outside of self, I’m inspired by nature and everything we have yet to discover. I like to imagine what things and feelings sound like. I’m inspired by the future and that life could be anything that I want it to be, regardless of it materializes or not.  I’m grateful for my imagination and willingness to not be stuck in one place physically or mentally for too long. **What is your favorite element of storytelling and artistry?** When I was younger my mom used to tell us stories, but she would make it her own. for example, she would talk from her room and I’d be in bed in my room and my brothers would be in their bed in their room listening to her tell us the story of "ghetto goldilocks and the three little bear" it would be so funny and allowed me to sleep and forget about what was ailing me mentally. She made telling stories fun to me. Also growing up reading the bible, just so many stories in there. I think, though, the main thing for me was falling in love with poetry. to be able to say whatever you wanted how you wanted with no real strict rules other than to express just opened my heart and my mind. the mind reels and I just spend a lot of my time catching as much as I can and eventually a story is born. that part is my favorite  Photographed by Sandy Ismail. ![Photographed by Sandy Ismail.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bda3c9ecb85a0d6f5fba_Flaunt%2BMagazine%2BOrion%2BSun%2B2.jpeg) Photographed by [Sandy Ismail](https://instagram.com/sandyiism). **Describe the perfect setting for you to create?**  Alone in a space with a window or two. open enough for me to play guitar, piano etc. I also like using my essential oil diffuser to relax me. I started making music in my room so I’m really low maintenance. this is pretty much it though I am working on the alone aspect. collaborating can be fun most of the time.   **What themes are you exploring in real life that parallels your music?** Self-discovery, acceptance, and love (both romantic and platonic) **You talk about being homeless in your single “Lighting,” what was that time for you like?** A home is sorta like a family member you forget exists because it’s silent and isn’t human. when you lose it, especially after growing up there and sharing memories with it, you realize you never noticed how cold it really gets outside. you feel like you've taken for granted all the secrets the walls have kept safe and carpet that help cushion my little brothers fall after taking his first steps. our house was there when mom had to work late and often. I had space to try new things and discover my passion for music and art. when it's taken away from you, it's like grieving a death in the family. there’s anger and sadness and hopelessness and confusion and survival takes over and there’s no time to even process and your ego is bruised and your humility is taken advantage of leaving you feeling like you have nothing left to give. you feel worthless, like a failure. you cry and everything feels dark. it’s isolating and feels like it’s your fault. it pushed me to want more for myself and my family. it made me want to work so that families outside of us wouldn’t have to go through what we did. I was able to provide housing for me and my family and to say this is behind us is so overwhelming. it’s been about 5 years since we could say we we're truly ok. some nights I still have dreams of me walking through my old house desperately trying not to forget how everything was laid and where our couch was positioned and how my room looked and the bathroom and the kitchen etc.  I’m  grateful for those dreams because I never want to forget, even though it was so painful, I never want to forget where I come from. **What’s one of the biggest lessons life has given you at 23?** Even though I can't change what is happening around me, I have the capability to change how I react to it. I can decide that I refuse to accept what cards have been dealt for me. Photographed by Sandy Ismail. ![Photographed by Sandy Ismail.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bda2c9ecb85a0d6f5fa5_Flaunt%2BMagazine%2BOrion%2BSun%2B2a.jpeg) Photographed by [Sandy Ismail](https://instagram.com/sandyiism). **Why did you choose the title, “Hold Space For Me” for the album?** I decided to name my album "hold space for me" because that’s what I have been doing for myself throughout the whole album making process. also, those close to me that I consider friends still have held space for me and vice versa. it’s such a beautiful feeling to be there for someone and not make them feel like a burden or like they are too much or overreacting or like they should be "happy" or whatever. it feels amazing and overwhelming to open up to someone who cares about you and to not be judged. if anything, it’s a set of directions for whoever decides to listen to the project.  **What does holding space for someone or yourself look like?**  Knowing that the best thing we can do is be there in healthy ways; unconditionally care without judgement. the only difference between holding space for you and someone else is that we all have our own triggers and things that make us feel safe. knowing what those things are within yourself and in others are the keys to holding space for yourself and others. I know what it feels like to not have this happen and honestly those friendships/relationships don't exist for me now. and I’ve never been better. **The title also speaks a little to self-care and being cared for, what is self-care in your eyes and how do you practice it?**  Being gentle with yourself. I could be kinder to me. go for walks when I need to, shower, I love buying flowers for our home. cooking, watching cinema and tv, creating music but also allowing myself days when I don't want to do anything and not beating myself up for it. taking each day at a time works best for me. **As far as your career, you write and produce your own music, what will the future for Orion Sun look like?**  Continuing with music, living and learning! there really is no end in sight.  * * *
Photographed by Sandy Ismail. ![Photographed by Sandy Ismail.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bda2c9ecb85a0d6f5fa2_Flaunt%2BMagazine%2BOrion%2BSun%2B1.jpeg) Photographed by [Sandy Ismail](https://instagram.com/sandyiism). A young visionary, 23-year-old [Orion Sun](https://www.instagram.com/cloudgem/?hl=en) has grazed onto the scene with soft ballads and a unique creative presence. Her debut album _Hold Space For Me_ features singles such as “Coffee for Dinner,” “Ne Me Quitte Pas (Don't Leave Me),” and her latest, “Lighting” that delves into her past recounting moments of loss and restoration. At just a tender age, Orion has overcome many trials, but with smooth sounds and trippy visuals her strength shines through. Jersey-born, Philly-based, Tiffany Majette a.k.a. Orion Sun has created quite a buzz for herself owning her “distant and soft” persona with each release. Her music mixes decades of sounds into one, the visual for “Lighting” even pays homage to Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On,” leaving a note of nostalgia traveling through history with the heartfelt storytelling of her life. The one-woman show, Orion writes, produces and sings each of her songs, constructing the exact thing she was looking for in music with the tools place in and before her. **Where do you find your inspiration?**  I find inspiration from my past and the lessons I have learned from it or the lessons that I still need to learn because of my thick skull or coming to terms with no lesson to be learned and that things just happen without anything to gain from it. those are always the hardest to accept. outside of self, I’m inspired by nature and everything we have yet to discover. I like to imagine what things and feelings sound like. I’m inspired by the future and that life could be anything that I want it to be, regardless of it materializes or not.  I’m grateful for my imagination and willingness to not be stuck in one place physically or mentally for too long. **What is your favorite element of storytelling and artistry?** When I was younger my mom used to tell us stories, but she would make it her own. for example, she would talk from her room and I’d be in bed in my room and my brothers would be in their bed in their room listening to her tell us the story of "ghetto goldilocks and the three little bear" it would be so funny and allowed me to sleep and forget about what was ailing me mentally. She made telling stories fun to me. Also growing up reading the bible, just so many stories in there. I think, though, the main thing for me was falling in love with poetry. to be able to say whatever you wanted how you wanted with no real strict rules other than to express just opened my heart and my mind. the mind reels and I just spend a lot of my time catching as much as I can and eventually a story is born. that part is my favorite  Photographed by Sandy Ismail. ![Photographed by Sandy Ismail.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bda3c9ecb85a0d6f5fba_Flaunt%2BMagazine%2BOrion%2BSun%2B2.jpeg) Photographed by [Sandy Ismail](https://instagram.com/sandyiism). **Describe the perfect setting for you to create?**  Alone in a space with a window or two. open enough for me to play guitar, piano etc. I also like using my essential oil diffuser to relax me. I started making music in my room so I’m really low maintenance. this is pretty much it though I am working on the alone aspect. collaborating can be fun most of the time.   **What themes are you exploring in real life that parallels your music?** Self-discovery, acceptance, and love (both romantic and platonic) **You talk about being homeless in your single “Lighting,” what was that time for you like?** A home is sorta like a family member you forget exists because it’s silent and isn’t human. when you lose it, especially after growing up there and sharing memories with it, you realize you never noticed how cold it really gets outside. you feel like you've taken for granted all the secrets the walls have kept safe and carpet that help cushion my little brothers fall after taking his first steps. our house was there when mom had to work late and often. I had space to try new things and discover my passion for music and art. when it's taken away from you, it's like grieving a death in the family. there’s anger and sadness and hopelessness and confusion and survival takes over and there’s no time to even process and your ego is bruised and your humility is taken advantage of leaving you feeling like you have nothing left to give. you feel worthless, like a failure. you cry and everything feels dark. it’s isolating and feels like it’s your fault. it pushed me to want more for myself and my family. it made me want to work so that families outside of us wouldn’t have to go through what we did. I was able to provide housing for me and my family and to say this is behind us is so overwhelming. it’s been about 5 years since we could say we we're truly ok. some nights I still have dreams of me walking through my old house desperately trying not to forget how everything was laid and where our couch was positioned and how my room looked and the bathroom and the kitchen etc.  I’m  grateful for those dreams because I never want to forget, even though it was so painful, I never want to forget where I come from. **What’s one of the biggest lessons life has given you at 23?** Even though I can't change what is happening around me, I have the capability to change how I react to it. I can decide that I refuse to accept what cards have been dealt for me. Photographed by Sandy Ismail. ![Photographed by Sandy Ismail.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bda2c9ecb85a0d6f5fa5_Flaunt%2BMagazine%2BOrion%2BSun%2B2a.jpeg) Photographed by [Sandy Ismail](https://instagram.com/sandyiism). **Why did you choose the title, “Hold Space For Me” for the album?** I decided to name my album "hold space for me" because that’s what I have been doing for myself throughout the whole album making process. also, those close to me that I consider friends still have held space for me and vice versa. it’s such a beautiful feeling to be there for someone and not make them feel like a burden or like they are too much or overreacting or like they should be "happy" or whatever. it feels amazing and overwhelming to open up to someone who cares about you and to not be judged. if anything, it’s a set of directions for whoever decides to listen to the project.  **What does holding space for someone or yourself look like?**  Knowing that the best thing we can do is be there in healthy ways; unconditionally care without judgement. the only difference between holding space for you and someone else is that we all have our own triggers and things that make us feel safe. knowing what those things are within yourself and in others are the keys to holding space for yourself and others. I know what it feels like to not have this happen and honestly those friendships/relationships don't exist for me now. and I’ve never been better. **The title also speaks a little to self-care and being cared for, what is self-care in your eyes and how do you practice it?**  Being gentle with yourself. I could be kinder to me. go for walks when I need to, shower, I love buying flowers for our home. cooking, watching cinema and tv, creating music but also allowing myself days when I don't want to do anything and not beating myself up for it. taking each day at a time works best for me. **As far as your career, you write and produce your own music, what will the future for Orion Sun look like?**  Continuing with music, living and learning! there really is no end in sight.  * * *