![Photo Credit: Haley Varacallo](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d733e793aeb33b26e72c_5.%2BTHE%2BORACLE%2Bby%2BHaley%2BVaracalloFLAUNT.jpeg)
Photo Credit: Haley Varacallo
[Lost Amulet](https://oracle666.bandcamp.com/album/lost-amulet), the debut EP from nonbinary queer femme artist [Julia Sinelnikova aka The Oracle,](https://youtu.be/o_-EEyrV5Pg) opens with “Dark Iridescent,” a sad, brooding song about chasing after quickly transforming, fluid energy. Its video, a collaboration with videographer Errol Basdeo, creates a sinister yet sparkly atmosphere, incorporating a shifting, transmogrifying visual to both enchant and disorient the viewer.
“Dark Iridescent” was one of the first tracks we recorded for _Lost Amulet_," Julia explains from their Brooklyn home. "I wanted the visual to whisk viewers through an infinite vortex world, creating a sense of hallucination and melting emotion that makes viewers feel like they’re falling into a new dimension."
The other tracks on _Lost Amulet_ are “Clockwork,” a song that fuses spoken word poetry into an intensely dark but flowing narrative; the hyper-pop “Cloud 9 Angel”; “Leaving Earth” and two remixes of “Celadon Haze,” the song that first introduced Julia to music fans last winter.
Julia explains, "The aim of _Lost Amulet i_s to capture the diversity and beauty of queer love, and create an immersive, uplifting and healing atmosphere that counters these tumultuous times on earth.”
![Photo Credit: @metametagasm](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d733e793aeb33b26e728_7.%2BPhoto%2Bstill%2BCloud%2B9%2BAngel%2Bby%2B%2540metametagasm%2BFLAUNT.jpeg)
Photo Credit: @metametagasm
Julia Sinelnikova aka The Oracle is a Brooklyn artist who performs in immersive installations as an esoteric sorceress character. _Lost Amulet_ channels some of that energy.
“I want my music to encourage psychedelic exploration, excessive dreaming, and the imagination of new, utopian worlds—as well as a brush with dystopia for necessary contrast. Through listening to my songs, I aim to reveal my personas and the details of the worlds in my mind to my audiences.”
Produced by Meviu§, _Lost Amulet_ is being distributed by Ghostcat Media International and is available on [Bandcamp](https://oracle666.bandcamp.com/album/lost-amulet).