Picture this: you’re walking down the sunny, city street, a hop in your step, and headphones securely tucked in your ears. What’s the soundtrack, you ask? It’s Nicole Atkins’ new tune “Domino,” off her upcoming album “Italian Ice,” which will drop on April 17th.
According to Atkins, the single was inspired by French electro, a genre her and her band listened to frequently on their last tour. “I wanted to make a song that evoked that groove but was played live by a band keeping it pretty analog and vintage sounding. The lyrics were partly inspired by the state of the world and partly inspired by me waking up in the bottom of a sink hole (yes, a real one) a couple years ago. Basically telling myself (or now you) not to be a bystander in life. Take action, speak up, make something, live, and you'll see small problems fall away. If you're feeling stuck, do something,” said Atkins.
There you have it, we recommend the song for both sinkhole and non-sinkhole related listening.
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Photo credit: Barbara FG