Room Service LA

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[Room Service Los Angeles (RSLA)](https://www.roomservice-losangeles.com) is the LA based brand that just launched featuring a shoot lensed by Flaunt Fave [Renee Parkhurst](https://www.instagram.com/renee_parkhurst/?hl=en). Founder of the brand, Canadian designer A.J. Kassem, has teamed up with male model [Alton Mason](https://www.instagram.com/altonmason/?hl=en) as his muse for the debut collection of the brand. RSLA is focused on providing precise tailoring and silky silhouettes and is based on an homage to classic hotel experience, travel and leisure. The collection and accompanying photos conjure up a modern day interpretation of 30 Hollywood and the Sunset Strip. Flaunt caught up with the designer and heard what he had to say about the debut collection from the new brand. **What is the most exciting part of starting your own brand?** Getting the opportunity to work alongside amazing individuals who have assisted with bringing the vision to life. The brand has allowed me to create new relationships and strengthen old ones, I am very grateful for this. **What was the most challenging part about creating your own brand?** Starting a brand takes a lot of patience. Before beginning garment development I felt it was important to fully realize the brands attitude and identity. Once I understood what it signifies, I was then able to begin development. By doing this it allowed me to move with more conviction with design choices. In such a fast pace world, I find having patience can be difficult but a necessary skill when designing with intention and being authentic. Also the constant flying back and forth between Canada and LA was challenging physically and mentally.  **What/who was the biggest inspiration for you in your quest of designing pieces for your brand?** I have taken most inspiration from places I’ve traveled and experiences. RSLA is a feeling of leisure and luxury, joie de vivre. Different environments whether throughout Europe or right here in Los Angeles have provided me with this feeling and we try to evoke these emotions with the brand. Many hotels I have visited have been used for reference; I was a child who dreamt of living in a hotel; I remember finding out that people have lived in the Beverly Hills Hotel and being fascinated by this…I like to think that RSLA is the closet I’d have in this dream life. I have also taken great inspiration from women. I’ve had a strong female influence in my upbringing and life. Women have the natural ability to be sophisticated and elegant, and that is something I believe is missing in menswear that I strive to tie into each piece. **What was the most important thing for you to make sure that happened with your brand?** Executing everything at the highest possible level. It never made sense to me to create anything other than ones best. So we’ve kept this ethos in sourcing material, during garment production and into the campaign imagery. It has become an obsession trying finding better ways to create, design and present garments and story of RSLA. The brand is rooted in being timeless. I remember going into my parents closet when I was younger and finding pieces that they had purchased while living in the UK 30 plus years ago and the garments would be in perfect condition, this is something I hope we can do for customers, give them pieces that age well. **Do you have any favorite pieces from the collection?** My favourite piece is the mid-zip down sweater. It’s made from Italian cashmere boucle yarn that is really soft and it is knitted in Los Angeles. It has a Swiss zipper that is gold plated and has a nice weight to it. The zipper has some depth so you can have it opened all the way for a relaxed feel or zipped right up for a bit more sophistication. Also the white bowling blouse is a great piece. Its made from a light hammered silk, that has a nice texture to the material, and silk covered buttons, a bit of an homage to a classic female blouse.  **What was it like working with Alton Mason?** It was very natural. When I initially began designing the collection I had a clear vision of having him as the model, he has an energy and vibe unlike anyone. Youthful, but timeless. So we were pleased when he had agreed to be in the campaign. He truly understood the brand. He also has great personal style which I felt was extremely important and shows in the photos and his comfort in the clothes. After the shoot we were able to spend sometime and chat about life and values, he is a great human, one who values positivity and growth. There will certainly be more of him in collections to come. **Who is a dream client you would love to see wearing your brand?** Anyone who has an appreciation for simplicity and an enjoyment for life. It is humbling when I go out and run into friends wearing pieces from the collection or peers asking to purchase a blouse. Menswear is becoming a crowded marketplace with a many options, so for anyone to choose RSLA is a privilege.  **What can we expect in the future from RSLA?** Consistency. The initial collection was a tight knit concept, designed to almost be a permanent collection, and the plan is to expand on these ideas and bring the RSLA perspective to all parts of someones closet and lifestyle. Though the clothes are quite versatile, I am hearing many women asking for female pieces and I think this will also be a natural progression. **Do you see yourself ever taking your brand to the runway? Perhaps NYFW?** I think eventually we will make an appearance on the runway. It has not been a particular goal, as much as continuing to elevate the materials and techniques we use. However I don’t see why not, runway is a great way to create a physical environment for people to experience the brand. **If you had to name one celebrity who embodies RSLA, who would it be and why?** Good question, I don't know! I am sure there is someone who embodies the brand and would love to find out who. Like I mentioned, much reference was taken from places I’ve been, or people I have seen on the street who have had a great energy and style, typically women. * * *