Flaunt Premiere | Savannah Cristina "Comfortable"

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Courtesy of Breyona Holt ![Courtesy of Breyona Holt](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bdffc703201a67905d26_Savannah%2BCristina%2Bby%2BBreyona%2BHolt.jpeg) Courtesy of Breyona Holt Lounge in healing a la self-careintine with [Savannah Cristina’s](https://www.instagram.com/savannah.cristina/) latest musing, “Comfortable.” Yes, we understand you all miss the feeling of warmth derived from 10PM wines in dim-lit bars, but Savannah is here to give us a song version that will generate the same feeling. The song is likened to a soul-intoxicating delicacy, it immerses you into a land of smooth vocals, reminiscent of early Brandy and Badu performances. In the “Comfortable” music video, an assortment of plants, pottery, and golden hour paint the background. Amongst the groove experimentation, Savannah Cristina brings a sense of ease wrapped in an R&B delight.  About the creation of the track Savannah mentions, “I was inspired to write comfortable because it’s so relevant in a time where we have to be still & wait for an answer. There is so much joy in crawling up into bed with a few lit candles around the room. Comfortable is an anthem for the people who have put down their anxieties and given in to relaxation. Now is the time to unwind and appreciate the serene atmosphere created in our homes. The top of the decade was anticipated to be the most productive time for us to accomplish our goals. It could very well be that the best goal of all is staying comfortable despite the circumstance. “