A trending topic in the business world is sustainability. Suhit Amin calls it a core concept of his business model and something all companies should strive for. While it has recently been put in the limelight, this is not a new practice. Sustainability has been around for some time, but a changing socioeconomic climate has brought it to the forefront of business discussions.
The most basic definition of sustainability is to maintain something at a specific rate or level. This can be separated into four pillars: human, social, economic, and environmental. Suhit Amin focuses on the human and economic areas of sustainability in business but certainly sees the relationship to social and ecological.
"Sustainability in entrepreneurship emphasizes growth and profitability. This is usually achieved with a strategy based on ethical, social, environmental, cultural, and economic aspects," states Suhit. He feels that this practice improves the brand image, increases productivity, and provides greater employee satisfaction. "It generates a positive company culture that people genuinely want to be a part of. No wonder it is a key element for retention," he adds.
As change is a constant, a business needs to be dynamic rather than static. Suhit embraces sustainability due to its fluidity and evolving nature. It is essential for business growth and a much more viable alternative to traditional models. Simply put, it is the future of the corporate world, no matter how large or small the organization is. "In addition to growth, sustainability opens the door to social equity, better utilization of resources, and improved decision-making," elaborates Suhit. It also prepares a company for the future.
Changes in social contracts have shifted business mindsets. Today, our society expects companies to engage in practices that are good for people. Suhit Amin is well aware of this as he has created a highly successful company focused on the well-being of employees, clients, and the community. This is corporate sustainability in action, and it delivers stellar results.