Fred Segal debuts VOILÀ LES HÉROÏNES

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Photo courtesy ![Photo courtesy](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b7f8d948f9c3d49b53a5_FLAUNT%2BMAGAZINE%2B-%2BVOIL%25C3%2580%2BLES%2BH%25C3%2589RO%25C3%258FNES%2B-finalnyc.jpeg) Photo courtesy This Thursday (June 20) retailer Fred Segal will debut, [VOILÀ LES HÉROÏNES (a.k.a VLH)](https://www.voilalesheroines.com), a scarf brand founded by 16-year-old Danielle Hoppenheim. After undergoing a 13-hour brain tumor surgery, Hoppenheim would wrap vintage scarves over her shaved and scarred head; in this way, the scarves became flags, marking found beauty in life’s difficult and dark moments. To share this same spirit with the rest of the world, VLH is launching a line of “Italian 100% pure silk scarves, hand designed in Montreal and made in Italy, woven by artisans in Como.” A heroine in her own right, the brand name is perfectly emblematic of the VLH brand’s mission— “here come the heroines.” Photo courtesy ![Photo courtesy](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1561139860154-RSFI66ISF9XKOGGM191N/FLAUNT+MAGAZINE+-+VOIL%C3%80+LES+H%C3%89RO%C3%8FNES+-IMG_1531.jpg) Photo courtesy Fred Segal on Sunset currently stocks the brand which introduces VLH’s human/social impact program: VLH Creative Studios. Portions of the proceeds from sales will go towards launching a free digital scarf design platform.