Whethan, AKA Ethan Snoreck, is the Chicago-born and Los Angeles-based artist/producer. Though he’s relatively new to the electronic music scene, his captivating beats and synth-pop melodies have become the defining factor in his flourishing success. While road-bound performing at Red Rocks and Life Is Beautiful Whethan captured a weekend in his life.

the seed before the plant
_Photo by Tak Kamihagi_

just looks cool
_Photo by Carter Howe_

me and my manager who discovered me and puts up with all the chaos
Photo by Tak Kamihagi

oliver tree, me, lee (agent) and dan (manager) getting a piece of the rock after selling out red rocks tradition
_Photo by Tak Kamihagi_

should be the cover of my indie bands album
_Photo by Tak Kamihagi_

had flames almost 3 stories high at life is beautiful
_Photo by Carter Howe_

pure euphoria with a splash of confetti
_Photo by Carter Howe_

the studio tech / man in charge
_Photo by Tak Kamihagi_
To read our Q&A with Whethan click [here](https://www.flaunt.com/content/flaunt-premiere-whethan-life-of-a-wallflower-vol-1?rq=whethan).
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