
Embrace Your True Self: 19MIL's 'All You Do' Celebrates Individuality

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Jorge Lucena

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19MIL's newest release, "All You Do," is an energetic and empowering anthem that highlights her unapologetically bold personality. The song draws inspiration from a disappointing date experience, which 19MIL humorously recounts: "He spent the entire date criticizing every aspect of me and my personality. By the end, I was drained not just from listening to him but from pretending to care about what HE thought of ME.”

In "All You Do," 19MIL transforms this negative encounter into a powerful message of self-confidence and resilience. The track boasts a lively retro funk sound, influenced by the band Cannons and the pop-funk style of Bruno Mars. This fusion of vintage charm and modern bravado encourages listeners to stay confident and true to themselves, regardless of any criticism they may encounter.

The vibe of "All You Do" was essential to 19MIL. She sought a beat that was "fun" and not "too dark or gloomy." The song's upbeat energy complements its empowering message. 19MIL elaborates, "I wanted the song to scream 'I seriously don't give a sh**' while staying upbeat and jovial. It's all about maintaining a high spirit, no matter what negativity comes your way."

19MIL's music focuses on self-expression and defying societal expectations. Through her songs, she aims to inspire listeners to embrace their uniqueness and live life on their own terms. "All You Do" embodies this philosophy, reminding us that being different is not just acceptable but something to celebrate.

"All we really have is today; nothing else is promised," she states. "If it makes you happy, that's all that matters."

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