
Sadhvi Anubhuti's filmmaking career and life as a Jain monk are highlights of her Keynote, From Corporate America to Monkhood

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Sadhvi Anubhuti's story, in which she goes from a successful career in corporate America to a life as a Jain monk, is an intriguing example of the meeting of seemingly disparate cultures. There are similarities between these two ways of life despite their obvious disparities.


Sadhvi’s marketing career was fruitful before she decided to become a Jain monk, and it was there that she learnt the importance of self-control, concentration, and perseverance. Being a monk requires a lot of discipline, concentration, and devotion, thus she has benefited greatly from these traits in her quest for enlightenment. Hard effort, determination, and forethought are typically the keys to success in both the business world and the monastic life.


But, the standards for achievement in these two contexts couldn't be more dissimilar. Having money, position, and influence are common indicators of success in the corporate world. Sadhvi Anubhuti, a Jain monk, contrasts this view by defining success in terms of the change she brings about in herself and the world. She's used her filmmaking skills to bring attention to pressing social issues and motivate people to take action.


She was first exposed to the media world in Houston, Texas where her adventure began. When she was only 16, she was co-hosting a music video show on a Telemundo segment called “Ultimatum.” It was this experience that inspired her to pursue a career in marketing, where she could put her skills in storytelling and creative communication to use.


Sadhvi Anubhuti felt disappointed in the business sector since she felt something was missing from her life and she didn’t want to waste it. She went on a spiritual retreat at Siddhayatan Spiritual Retreat Center near Dallas, Texas, and realized her true calling was much deeper. After reaching the age of 30, she decided to give up her career, her friends, and her family in favor of a life of service as a Jain monk under the guidance of her spiritual teacher Acharya Shree Yogeesh. For her to make this choice, she had to be disciplined, focused, and have a strong work ethic—all of which she had developed throughout the course of her professional career.


Furthermore, for the last 10 years, she has spent her life advocating for nonviolence, peace and kindness among all beings. She's used her filmmaking skills to bring attention to serious causes like sex trafficking and animal cruelty. By releasing For the Animals, she hopes to affect positive change in how people in her city of Houston, Texas view and treat stray animals and help reduce the overpopulation crisis in Houston and across the United States. Alyssa Milano, actress and activist, has joined the film as executive producer. It’s a must-watch documentary.


There have been several obstacles, notably in making movies about controversial subjects. Despite the difficulty of these situations, Sadhvi Anubhuti has approached them with empathy and a genuine interest in hearing and relaying the experiences of those who have been affected. She is well-equipped to handle these difficulties thanks to the resiliency, flexibility, and problem-solving skills she honed during her time in the corporate sector and spiritual practices as a monk.


It is never too late to find your calling in life, and Sadhvi Anubhuti's story is a striking testament to that. There are numerous similarities between a monk's existence and the corporate world. Sadhvi Anubhuti, a Jain monk and filmmaker, is using her talents to serve others and spread positivity through her films.


Follow Sadhvi Anubhuti on social media at @sadhvianubhuti for more updates.

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