
Agape Lodge Poetry Society | Q&A With Founder Vanessa Matic

About These Wondrously Mystical Gatherings

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Alpine Lane

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In 2009, poet and artist Vanessa Matic founded the Agape Lodge Poetry Society in Berlin, DE. What started as a solo endeavor—reciting in castles, lofts, and other various locations—took on a new form as she began inviting friends and colleagues to participate. Matic later took these events to New York City, where she then took a hiatus to focus on her writing. She relocated to Los Angeles, CA, in 2020, where she continues to host her wondrously mystical gatherings.

The gatherings have evolved beyond simple poetry readings and have transformed into a collective of writers, musicians, artists, actors, and other creatives. From first time readers to seasoned entertainers, Agape Lodge Poetry Society welcomes people of all backgrounds and all ages to attend these free events. Vanessa curates each evening to include both new and returning members.

Describe the evolution of the Agape Lodge Poetry Society from its inception to now.

In the early days, it felt like stumbling into a lively saloon where artists and kindred spirits gathered to connect, swap stories, and share their creative endeavors. These gatherings often took place in the cozy confines of friends' homes until a turning point came when my friend Stefan generously offered up his space, Ultrasound Studios, as a venue. That space became more than just a setting; it was a sanctuary where I had the freedom to experiment and bring together a diverse array of artistic expressions.

What began as a somewhat exclusive gathering of outsiders gradually transformed into a meticulously curated night where poetry readings seamlessly blended with performances spanning dance, fashion, music, magic, and more. It's been an incredible journey watching the Agape Lodge Poetry Society evolve into such a welcoming space that continues to feed the creativity spirit in our community.

What prompted the formation of the Agape Lodge Poetry Society?

At the heart of Agape Lodge Poetry Society is the hope to foster a camaraderie within the artistic community. For me, it has always been important to establish a sort of nurturing environment where individuals can connect in a setting that feels both safe, fun, and affectionate. It's about the exchange, the reciprocity that occurs during the gatherings. These connections naturally evolve, weaving together poets, publishers, authors, musicians, models, actors, photographers, and lovers alike, all converging in one creative space. This intersection of diverse backgrounds and talents fuels the process of creation, emphasizing the fundamental importance of unity. It's a collective of artists and individuals who freely share their work, their lives, and their resilience.

What's a recent standout moment from one of your events?

There was this unforgettable moment not too long ago when Jerry Stahl arrived with his lady Zoe. They were both so immersed in their art, supporting each other every step of the way. It was incredible to see Jerry with his books in hand, and right beside him was Jonathan Shaw, who even handed me a little promo flier for his upcoming movie premiere. To me, it felt like something straight out of a movie, you know? Like all the coolest, most rebellious heroes had decided to come hang out with me. I couldn't believe it because I've always admired these folks. They've carved out such unique paths in the artistic world, and I've followed their work almost religiously. So, being in a room with Jerry, Aaron Rose, and all these other talented writers felt like a dream come true. It was like the fantasies of my youth were coming to life right before my eyes. It was truly awesome.

Do you welcome random or unknown individuals to participate at your readings?

Absolutely! You never know where genius might spark from— I’m all about providing a space for anyone willing to share their work, even though the lineup is curated, I intentionally mix seasoned readers with newcomers. It's all about creating connections between different generations of artists, which in turn fuels creativity. It's a process of learning and growth for everyone involved.

What's next? Any new and exciting projects on the horizon?

Well, I've got some exciting things in the works. There's this opportunity with a great publisher for my newest collection of poetry to be released, and I'm also having some conversations about hosting my own talk show kinda thing, which could be pretty cool. But you know how it is, I'm always writing - I’ve got a novel, a screenplay, and a bunch of other fun stuff in the oven. Oh, and I can't forget about my project, Plastic Bombs; me and my dude are always writing new music together.

Sometimes though, I catch myself daydreaming about escaping to a tropical island for a bit. Don't get me wrong, LA has its beach vibes and all, but nothing beats a real vacation, right? Living in the city can get pretty hectic, so taking some time to unwind and recharge sounds like just what the doctor ordered. In a world where constant hustling is the norm, I think it's important to prioritize that kind of self-care, even if it feels like a luxury sometimes, especially for us artists.

What would your ideal lineup for Agape Lodge Poetry Society look like?

Oh, that's an easy one. I'd say it would have to be Wim Wenders, Patti Smith, David Lynch, Spike Lee, and Kathryn Bigelow. Can you imagine? Each of them brings such a unique perspective and vibe to their work. I'd love to see what they have to say in a more intimate setting, you know? It's one thing to experience their art on screen or in a book, but to hear them speak and express themselves live, that would be something else entirely.

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Flaunt Magazine, Agape Lodge Poetry Society, Vanessa Matic, Art