Disruption is encoded deep within the modern entrepreneur´s DNA and in Anthony Bold´s case it´s no different. The young and design driven entrepreneur is focusing his breadth of talent on his new technology and utility driven drinking water startup, DRINK WATR. He is passionate about raising the quality standard of daily drinking water, and is equally as passionate about the process of getting there, as he is in achieving the ultimate goal. This is evident by his heavy investment in designing, developing and implementing technology systems and methods that transform the production, distribution, and sales process. He is in it for the long term, and it shows. His DRINK WATR brand is focused on reshaping the industry, and establishing a higher standard. This focus has become the driving force behind his entrepreneurial fortitude.
As Venture Capital Post recently reported, Anthony Bold is creating and leading a whole new market category: BevTech. By incorporating impeccable design, simplicity, functional and engaging technology and design elements to all facets of his beverage company. Bold has successfully transformed the landscape of a business vertical that not only is projected to achieve record growth in the coming years but that will also come to redefine what we, as consumers expect and demand from our daily drinking water, and how we experience daily wellness.
At a time where virtually every major industry is undergoing deep and ever-evolving disruption, the profound enhancement of something as essential as the water we drink every day has been the object of Bold´s sustained attention and throughout his design driven journey he has found new and innovative ways to incorporate a range of technological elements unto the very DNA of his brand; This is what he believes will provide his customers with the edge they are looking for: a better designed product, with greater utility, and delivered in a more efficient way by a company that utilizes every tool at its disposal to constantly and consistently improve their customer experience.
But Mr. Bold is far from your average entrepreneur, he is also a helicopter pilot, motorcyclist, amateur boxer and fighter, juris doctor, and gifted designer and marketer. His passion for helping people, has sharpened his eye for trends and social movements that will eventually dominate the marketplace and always finds a way to position his brands a step ahead of the curve; This has allowed him to continue experimenting with new ways of surpassing his latest accomplishment, because like all great achievers, he is never satisfied and seems to be driven by a force larger than himself and one that keeps him in problem-solving mode 24/7.
Anthony recently granted Flaunt an interview in which he discussed his passionate approach to business and life and how his company plans to continue breaking down barriers and shifting paradigms in the near future:
Anthony, what is your ultimate goal for WATR® and how does the creation and implementation of what you have called `Bevtech´ further advance the accomplishment of such a goal?
My ultimate goal with WATR is to provide the world with premium quality wellness, out of things they need daily. For example, with DRINK WATR, my goal is to increase the standard of quality for daily drinking water. People deserve to get more out of daily drinking water. At a minimum, people deserve either one or all of the following: daily electrolyte support, antioxidants, and vitamin intake, from their daily drinking water. We will fill that void, and by doing so, keep our communities strong. People will consider DRINK WATR synonymous with premium wellness and technology. We are effectively establishing the Bevtech market category. Our use of technology will empower us to achieve our goals faster, and efficiently. It also helps us to optimize every aspect of internal operations, but most importantly, our specific tech empowers us to connect directly to customers and our community. Everything we do is to provide our customers with the highest quality experience.
Can you share with our readers where a multi-talented individual like yourself gets his inspiration from? How do you satisfy your curiosity?
My curiosity is insatiable. I get my inspiration from my relationship with God, desire to help others, and my keen observation of the issues in society. I love to problem solve, design, and create. I’ve always been someone that jumps into problem solving, and I am supremely inspired by helping people. With DRINK WATR, that comes from the utility we can provide customers with our premium drinking water, our unique product design, and our ability to support communities through our unique distribution model.
What has been your most inspiring breakthrough when working on designing a particular product or creating a brand?
I don’t think a breakthrough is ever experienced by a true designer or creator. For better or worse, we are inherently dissatisfied, or focused on adding greater utility, especially as conditions change. The real breakthrough is always something we chase. Now, This doesn’t mean that I lack appreciation. Rather, I think that you must appreciate the milestones. In our case with DRINK WATR, that means achieving the formula, having the tangible unique bottle and box you spent many months creating in your hand, experiencing customers and their feedback and appreciation for your products and what you aim to do for them, or conversely learning how we can get better for them.
How do you see the convergence of design and technology evolving in the near future and will this provide better opportunities for users to maximize the benefits they receive from the products and services they consume?
This is something I’m going to keep close to my chest. Primarily due to the fact that we will be creating experiences that the world has never seen before. We will lead this industry, and will change the way people experience wellness. Stay tuned, and DRINK WATR. STAY STRONG.