
Chester Zoda | Finding an Alternative

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Some of the most important people in our society are doctors and medical health professionals. When a person is sick or in need of medical attention, the people in the white coats always come to the rescue. 


Becoming a medical professional takes years of schooling and long hours of training. And once you finally do finish your prerequisites, you can expect to work long, tiring hours. 


A new report published by Consensus Study Report showed that over 50 percent of doctors are suffering from physician burnout while nearly 80 percent of primary care doctors are suffering from workplace-related stress. 


Since the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, those numbers have soared. Many medical professionals are now looking for ways to transition into other areas due to their field’s lack of scalability and overwhelming bureaucracy. 


One M.D. that has made the transition to a more relaxed and rewarding career path in the medical field is Chester Zoda MD. After feeling burnt out, Dr. Zoda decided it was time to get away from his 80-100 hour work weeks and focus on a new route. 


Dr. Zoda began exploring options in real estate, stocks, and even crypto. None of these things stuck, and still being overworked at the hospital. Dr. Chester Zoda had no choice but to find an alternative.


As people began to pick up on Dr. Zoda’s success, they started asking questions about what he was doing. At first, Dr. Zoda had doubts about whether this actually worked but eventually started teaching others how his system worked. To his surprise, his clients began to see results too. “The best part? All you need is a laptop and the desire to help more people,” explains Dr. Zoda. 


 You can follow Chester Zoda here: 





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