
Georgia Gets By | A Woman on the Verge with New Single "Madeline"

Madeline: a Ghost, an Idea, a Hallucination

Written by

Emma Raff

Photographed by

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Do you have any idea how it feels to have someone instantly transform your entire way of life, shake you to the core of your being, take away any self-control you may have once possessed? Georgia Nott does. Nott, AKA Georgia Gets By, releases her newest single “Madeline,” today, June 26, exploring this very concept through her  lyricism.

The singer-songwriter is best known for her contribution to BROODS, the project she started with her brother over a decade ago. The duo gained international success, touring as headliners and opening for pop icons such as Taylor Swift, Ellie Goulding, and Sam Smith

Over the past few years, Georgia has begun to work on a project of her own, coming out with an EP titled Fish Bird Baby Boy in 2023 along with several singles including “Happiness is an 8 Ball” and “So Free So Lonely.” Earlier this year, she also released a song titled, “When All You Can Manage is a Sigh.” 

When asked about the meaning behind her newest single, Nott shared, “‘Madeline’ is about the moment you meet someone that you know will change you. You feel it in the deepest place inside your stomach and become completely choice-less in your feelings for them.” 

In collaboration with photographer and filmmaker Silken Weinberg, Notts created the “Madeline” music video, a film noir-esque short influenced by Hitchcock’s Spellbound. “Inspired by the trailers for his [Hitchcock’s] films, and the way they are a window into a much bigger story, we wanted to make Madeline into that window. Just a glimpse of a world where Madeline could be anything from a ghost, an idea or a hallucination. It’s really up to the viewer,” Nott said.

Akin to the music video, “Madeline” has a vintage feel and could most accurately be described as dreamy pop, defined by Nott’s pure, delicate voice and introspective lyrics. 

“Madeline” is available on Luminelle Recordings and Spotify.

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Georgia Gets By, Georgia Nott, BROODS, music, Madeline, single, new release, pop, Emma Raff