
Ishraq Khan’s Inspiring Journey Building Kodezi

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Jorge Lucena

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Ishraq Khan, the founder and CEO of Kodezi, is a technology icon who has used artificial intelligence to help ease the work of programmers. Ishraq was born in Bangladesh and came from humble beginnings. His family experienced financial challenges, prompting him to start earning a living at a young age to provide for his family. Additionally, he hailed from a small town with limited access to technology. However, this didn't stop him from pursuing his dreams in the tech industry. From a young age, Ishraq was fascinated with programming and set out to learn to code.

A technology enthusiast, Ishraq created his first website when he was 10. He built the site from scratch; it had all the options and sophistication that web-automated sites would. Learning to program from lengthy books was challenging because he needed some fancy coaching and high-end tech gadgets. However, the determined Ishraq taught himself programming skills and learned to code in Java, HTML, and Python, which he excelled at.

In an attempt to solve problems for programmers, he thought of an artificial intelligence-assisted program to ease the coding process. Ishraq wasn't building a product for fun; he was building it to solve a real problem. And this was his greatest motivation to keep going forward.

Just like Grammarly helps correct grammatical mistakes, Ishraq founded Kodezi, an AI-assisted development that automatically corrects code. First, Kodezi automatically analyzes code and solves issues while explaining and auto-correcting. Secondly, it restructures code for optimum efficiency and improves coding techniques by rephrasing and reducing unnecessary lines of code. Thirdly, Kodezi allows programmers to change between programming languages. Finally, it also does code commenting, enabling users to generate coding comments or explanations based on the code base. Additionally, Kodezi supports various coding productivity features with over 30 programming languages supported.

Ishraq takes pride in raising $800,000 in venture capital funding while in school. Raising money for a company is very hard, and only a few companies get funding, especially in venture capital. But for Ishraq, he was able to solicit investors for Kodezi, who believed in his vision and passion. His company has over 150,000 users within six months of launch and has scaled to 9 employees. Additionally, Ishraq is a Google Hackathon winner.

The biggest challenge that Ishraq has faced so far was raising venture capital. Many investors felt that because he was only 18, he would end up getting into college and be unable to devote his full attention to his business. However, he convinced them that he wasn't just after building a company but was building a solution to a problem. His other main obstacle was hiring his employees; he found himself hiring people older than him and others who were almost the same age. The age aspect didn't defy who he hired and how he hired them.

Ishraq advises other aspiring entrepreneurs to take risks and go against the norm of following societal patterns. He advises building and solving a problem and following your passion. Ishraq insists that success results from doing what you do genuinely rather than seeking value or money.

As Ishraq continues to make waves in the tech industry, he wants to help aspiring programmers learn how to code efficiently and become more productive. He also hopes to expand his technology capabilities and reach more customers.

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