
Jaylen Brown x FERG | New Single “Just Do It”

A Relentless Pursuit of Excellence

Written by

Gracie Kouns

Photographed by

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As you might’ve heard, basketball FMVP Jaylen Brown teamed up with longtime friend and artist FERG in the creation of a new single, "Just Do It". Fans are jumping at the chance to cheer for Brown, both on and off the court, as the song has amassed over 500,000 listens on Spotify since its release. “Just Do It” speaks on celebrating life’s victories, the ups and downs of relationships, and quieting skeptics.

Courtesy of Helio PR

The release comes on the heels of the Olympic basketball game and marks a defining moment in Brown’s music career. Having previously emphasized the importance of rap music in his personal journey, Brown's ability to excel in both arenas showcases his unwavering dedication to his crafts. His mastery of these two contrasting forms of expression—athletics and music—highlights not only his versatility but also his relentless pursuit of excellence.

The slower tempo of “Just Do It” allows both Brown and FERG to share their distinct voices while bouncing off the other’s energies. Their witty wordplay is placed over a sparse but strong instrumental, providing a deep softness and clarity for the voices to shine through. The single is accompanied by a narrative music video, starring both Jaylen Brown and FERG, and masterfully directed by Jamar Harding.

Courtesy of Roc Nation
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Flaunt Magazine, Music, Jaylen Brown, FERG, "Just Do It", Gracie Kouns