
Juggler | Teases New Instrumental Track, "Untitled"

Ahead of Their Slot at And Always Forever This Fall

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Bree Castillo

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Los Angeles-based band, Juggler debuts teaser to their instrumental track, “Untitled,” with a 8mm film of their show at The Resident in the Arts District from earlier this year. Much like their 2023 singles “gave you my all,” “so hard to quit you,” and “step 4,” the instrumental gives into the rush of layered guitar that swirls without losing direction and evokes a sense of both intimacy and vastness, providing an almost evident reminder of why shoegaze continues to resonate decades after its inception. 

The band shares, "This footage is from a show where we supported the band, Launder. We all had a lot of fun playing that night, and it was the first time playing some new song we were excited to play live." 

Juggler joins the lineup of And Always Forever which also includes heavy hitters the Swirlies, Schwefelgelb, Marie Davidson, Loveliescrushing, Astrobrite, Croation Amor, and more at the Echo/Echoplex on Saturday, November 9th. The first of its kind, AAF is a love letter to the Los Angeles music scene, wherein the budding shoegaze and electro-clash experimental scenes play alongside those that have inspired it. You can find tickets at andalwaysforever.com. 

See here, Juggler reflect on the past and future.

What do you hope listeners take home with them after AAF, and what are you looking forward to? 

We hope people leave feeling inspired to do something they have been too scared or nervous to do. We just want people to find that inspiration to go home and work on something creative. Every time I go to a show I learn something new about music just by watching people I look up to perform on stage. I’m like ahhhhh that’s how they do that thing I’ve been trying to learn by ear at home. I’m looking forward to watching the Swirlies play live for the first time lol and I can’t wait to ask them a few questions about how they got certain tones on some of my favorite records they’ve created. Being able to share a night with them is amazing since they are such an influence on us sonically. 

What can you say about music and its longevity?

The emotions that music invokes will live forever and will outlive us all. We are all humans that feel great emotions and as soon as that sound hits our ears it triggers something in all of us and we can’t explain why or how that happens.

What do you hope lasts forever? 

I hope my hearing lasts forever. Don’t forget to wear earplugs that shit is so important.

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Juggler, And Always Forever, The Echo, The Echoplex, American Death, Pretty But Wicked