
Luna Luna | The Neighborhood Collection

Embracing Fantasies of the Past

Written by

Cassey Ayala

Photographed by

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While unveiling timeless attire amongst crafty designs by a variety of artists, Luna Luna is inviting a commemoration of garments of delicacy from the past. Flickering an essence of nostalgia, the collection is home to a capsule accumulation of wardrobe, memorabilia, and prints from a 1987 amusement park in Hamburg, Germany- all of which have been graciously recaptured and restored for the present. 

Capturing the legacy of the Hamburg festival premiere, the 87 Archive collection encompasses pieces that are the last of its kind- yet meant to prevail eternally. Alongside the ambience of memory and echoes of who we once were within the capsule attire, resides a complementary wardrobe; one that embraces the gleaming, dreamy utopia behind Austrian artist André Heller. The atmosphere of the collection’s revival is inspired by Heller’s and other artists’ many visions of the beauties of the moon, ensuring unparalleled auras of both hopes and dreams in each segment that has been thoughtfully brought back to life. 

Pursuing a recollection of the soul of the original Hamburg fair, Luna Luna joins forces with artists Alfonso Gonzalez Jr., Mario Ayala, and Sonya Sombreuil in the creation of the Neighborhood Collection. Although the reimagined capsule undoubtedly pays tribute to Luna Luna, the visions behind the apparel embraces a perspective of the moon through the lens of Los Angeles. 

The Neighborhood Collection launches Thursday, February 29th. 

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Fashion, Luna Luna, Alfonso Gonzalez Jr., Mario Ayala, Sonya Sombreuil, Cassey Ayala