
Mercer Labs | An Immersive Museum Experience in NYC

At the forefront of art and technology

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Tayla Grainger

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New York City’s new Mercer Labs is completely redefining the typical museum experience, offering visitors the unique opportunity to completely immerse themselves into an extraordinary fusion of art and technology. The museum came about as the result of the collaboration between experimental visual artist Roy Nachum – known for creating Rihannah’s Anti album cover art – and Casa Cipriani’s Michael Cayre. Together, they created an entirely artist-led and curated space that is the newest fixture in New York City’s art scene.

The museum space comprises fifteen distinct art installations that act like a maze, meant to simulate an experiment in which Nachum navigated New York City blindfolded for a week straight. Each room is its own universe, inviting guests to partake in a completely immersive experience through the stimulation of their five senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. 

Mercer Labs is on the forefront of both the artistic and digital industries, employing some of the latest technology in their newest exhibition. They utilize, for example, a large-scale 4D sound system and a synchronized grid of LED microchips. The result is a heightened sense of reality invoked by compelling soundscapes, shimmering colors, optical illusions, and tactile displays.

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Mercer Labs, Museum, Art, New York City, Flaunt Magazine