
Misha Kahn | 'Staged,' An Exhibit Where Design and Sculpture Become One

Embrace chaos within the process of art

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Cerys Davies

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Courtesy of Friedman Benda and Misha Kahn. Photography by Timothy Doyon.

When standing in a room full of what some might call chaotic curation, Misha Kahn takes viewers on his personal journey of acceptance and falling in love with the chaos of things. Staged will be at Friedman Benda gallery until June 2. In his first ever solo exhibition in Los Angeles, Khan continues to blur the lines between design and sculpture.

After publishing his first book, Casually Sauntering the Perimeter of Now: Misha Kahn, Kahn invites Los Angeles inside of his inventive and artistic mind. He has always found his process of creating art to be more manic than others. From virtual reality design to welding and carving,  his process can be quite never ending and meticulous. Over the course of his career, he has pursued different creative explorations and brings them together for each of his pieces. The endless combination possibilities from material to technique and inspiration only continue to make their way into his process and the final product. 

Courtesy of Friedman Benda and Misha Kahn. Photography by Daniel Kukla.
Courtesy of Friedman Benda and Misha Kahn. Photography by Timothy Doyon.

In a conscious effort to ignore other artists’ expectations to show a limited amount of series within a show, Kahn breaks free of all of these expectations with Staged. He welcomes each visitor into his chaotic process that he has learned to value and embrace through this showing. Instead of stepping into a gallery and expecting canvases on walls, stepping into Staged is more like entering a vortex into Kahn's creative mind. Many of the works on display have never been seen before.

Kahn shares, "Creatively, I have a kind of manic shopping energy: I like to try on new materials and processes. But rather than feeling inspired and
sated by a new technique, I want more. Each option opens up new combinations. The results go from expansive to endless."

Courtesy of Friedman Benda and Misha Kahn. Photography by Daniel Kukla.
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Misha Kahn, Friedman Benda, Staged