Nestled within the sun-kissed realms of Coachella Valley the beloved festival witnessed an electrifying performance. With the palm-fringed oasis at the Surf Club as their background, the beloved DJ-duo NEIL FRANCES took over the decks rushing in a sonic experience that elevated the desert air. The music resonated and remained a palpable energy of joy that pulsed through the crowd. Smiles adorned faces, and festival-goers swayed.
In the midst of the desert heat, the Surf Club suddenly became a sanctuary—a place where the collective heartbeat of the crowd synchronized with the infectious beats. NEIL FRANCES didn't just take the booth; they created a moment of pure bliss, leaving a lasting mark on Coachella Weekend 2. Check out their photo diary below as they take us through their sunny lens.
Coachella Polaroids and fisheye shot by Kyle Jetter, other 3 PSSC Polaroids by Pat Moan.