

Written by

Jorge Lucena

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Pas Une Marque’s Autumn / Winter 2024 collection, Seams of Dissent, is not just about clothing but about challenging societal norms and promoting self-expression. This collection embodies a bold philosophy that translates into every stitch and seam, encouraging wearers to rethink their relationship with fashion and their identities. In this interview, we delve into the creative process behind The Seams of Dissent, exploring how Pas Une Marque infuses each garment with deeper meanings, symbolic elements, and a commitment to sustainability. Through their innovative designs and collaborations, Pas Une Marque continues to push the boundaries of fashion, sparking conversations and empowering individuals to express themselves unapologetically. Read along as we discuss the inspiration, symbolism, and future goals of this pioneering brand.

  1. The Seams of Dissent collection is described as challenging societal norms and advocating for self-expression. How does this philosophy translate into the design and creation process of your garments?

At Pas Une Marque, our design process is deeply intertwined with our philosophy of challenging societal norms and advocating for self-expression. Each garment is conceived as a statement piece that disrupts traditional fashion narratives. We experiment with unconventional materials, bold patterns, and deconstructed styles that allow wearers to project their unique identities. Our design team is encouraged to think outside the box, ensuring that each piece not only stands out aesthetically but also carries a deeper message of empowerment and individuality.

  1. Can you discuss a particular garment or aspect of the Seams of Dissent collection that embodies this ethos, and how it encourages wearers to rethink their relationship with fashion and self-expression?

The 'Key Motif' in the Seams of Dissent collection is a prime example of how our garments embody our ethos and encourage wearers to rethink their relationship with fashion and self-expression. The idea to incorporate actual keys, crafted from a lightweight material, was inspired by our desire to visually and symbolically represent our philosophical engagement with unlocking new perspectives. These keys are not merely decorative; they serve as tangible metaphors for opening doors to new ideas and personal transformations.

Incorporated into our more avant-garde pieces, these keys hang from the garments, clinking softly with movement, constantly reminding the wearer of their agency in challenging conventional norms. Additionally, the key motif is echoed across the collection in various prints, reinforcing the theme of unlocking and discovery throughout. This repeated visual element not only strengthens the collection’s narrative but also invites wearers and viewers alike to contemplate their own paths to self-expression and the barriers they can unlock in their personal and collective pursuits.

  1. Collaboration seems to be a significant aspect of your brand's identity, evident in partnerships with sculptor Johnson Tsang and featuring Hoka sneakers in your runway show. How do these collaborations contribute to the overarching narrative of Pas Une Marque?

Collaborations are vital to our brand's identity as they infuse our collections with diverse perspectives and expertise. Working with sculptor Johnson Tsang brought a sculptural, almost tangible depth to our designs, emphasizing the artistry in fashion. Similarly, incorporating HOKA sneakers into our runway show bridged high fashion with high-performance sportswear, highlighting our commitment to versatility and innovation. These collaborations help us weave a richer narrative that resonates with a broader audience.

  1. The Multi-Key Alpaca Wool Coat is highlighted as a standout piece in the Seams of Dissent collection. Could you delve deeper into the symbolism behind this garment and its significance within the broader context of the collection's message?

The Multi-Key Alpaca Wool Coat is a cornerstone of the Seams of Dissent collection, symbolizing the unlocking of barriers to personal expression and societal norms. Each key sewn into the coat is a metaphor for discovery and unlocking new realms of possibility. This garment invites wearers to uncover and embrace their individual narratives, making a bold statement about the power of personal identity and the courage to stand out.

  1. Throughout your journey, art has been a consistent influence on Pas Une Marque. How do you envision incorporating different artistic mediums into your future collections to continue pushing boundaries and sparking dialogue?

Art has always been a profound influence on our brand. Moving forward, we plan to collaborate with artists from various disciplines such as digital art, installation art, and even performance art to integrate these mediums into our collections. By doing so, we aim to blur the lines between fashion and art, creating immersive experiences that provoke thought, evoke emotions, and inspire conversations among our community.

  1. New York Men's Day provided a platform for showcasing your collection. How do you navigate the balance between staying true to your brand's ethos while also adapting to different fashion landscapes and platforms?

Over the years, Pas Une Marque has carved out a distinctive niche at the intersection of philosophy and fashion. This unique positioning allows us to start each collection from a consistent foundational concept, blending deep philosophical themes with contemporary fashion aesthetics. Our experience in this niche ensures that every collection not only aligns with our core values but is also highly relevant to the current cultural and fashion landscapes.

By integrating philosophy into the fabric of our designs, we ensure that each piece speaks not just to style but to substantive issues, reflecting and responding to the zeitgeist. This approach enables us to create collections that resonate deeply with our audience, offering them garments that are not only fashionable but also laden with meaning and intent. As we move forward, this niche continues to guide our creative process, ensuring that each new collection is both a reflection of our enduring ethos and a response to the evolving world around us.

  1. Sustainability is more important now than ever before. Could you elaborate on some of the sustainable practices incorporated into the Seams of Dissent collection and your plans for further sustainability initiatives in the future?

Sustainability is a cornerstone of the Seams of Dissent collection. We've incorporated organic and recycled materials, promoted local craftsmanship to reduce carbon footprint, and implemented zero-waste cutting techniques. Looking ahead, we plan to explore biodegradable fabrics and expand our upcycling initiatives to further minimize our environmental impact, ensuring that our fashion not only makes a statement but also contributes positively to the planet.

  1. The brand's evolution over the years is evident in the Seams of Dissent collection. How do you approach maintaining continuity with your brand's DNA while also allowing for growth and experimentation?

Maintaining continuity with our brand’s DNA involves a careful blend of honoring our roots and embracing evolution. We keep our foundational values at the core of all our endeavors while pushing the boundaries of conventional fashion design. By staying committed to our ethos of challenging norms and promoting self-expression, we ensure that even as we evolve and experiment, our identity remains coherent and strong.

  1. In what ways do you aim to foster a sense of community and dialogue within your audience, beyond the realm of fashion, through the messages embedded within your collections?

We aim to foster community and dialogue by creating collections that do more than just clothe the body—they provoke thought and reflect cultural and social issues. Through interactive campaigns, collaborations with activists and thinkers, and engaging our audience in conversations on social media and beyond, we hope to create a space where fashion serves as a catalyst for broader societal engagement.

  1. Looking ahead, what are some specific goals or milestones Pas Une Marque hopes to achieve in the next phase of its journey, both creatively and in terms of broader societal impact?

At Pas Une Marque, our profound relationship with philosophy isn't just a foundation for our designs—it's a driving force for our broader social initiatives. We believe that the principles of questioning norms and thinking outside the box are crucial skills that should be accessible to all, especially younger generations in lower-income communities. Our goal is to extend the impact of our philosophical approach beyond the realm of fashion, actively contributing to societal change.

In the coming years, we aim to set up educational programs and workshops in these communities, teaching young people the importance of critical thinking and creative problem-solving. Through these efforts, we hope not only to inspire the next generation of innovators and thinkers but also to provide them with tools that can transform their own lives and environments. Our commitment to philosophy and fashion is intertwined with our dedication to making a tangible, positive impact on society, reinforcing our belief that fashion can be a powerful platform for education and social change.

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