
Prada | Who Inherits The Luxury of the Earth?

The Third Installment of Prada’s Re-Nylon Documentary Initiative Announced Collaboration With National Geographic CreativeWorks

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Alisha Rachel

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On a particulate level, how does luxury arrive to its seeker? A singular luxury is, perhaps, an object of comfort, or convenience, or extravagance—but a luxurious mind is one that honors the best parts of being human. At an elemental level, true luxury acknowledges humanity and facilitates its connection to the world around it. Prada knows as much, and has made continuous, ongoing endeavors to underscore the intimate ties between the Earth and the luxury-seekers that grace it.

Case in point: Prada’s Re-Nylon collection and campaign. An ongoing sustainable project started in 2019 that offers products made of regenerated nylon yarn made of recycled plastic collected from landfill sites and oceans worldwide, Re-Nylon is a testimony to Prada’s dedication to luxury and longevity. As part of the initiative, the brand donates 1% of the proceeds from Re:Nylon to SEA BEYOND, a project conducted in partnership with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (UNESCO-IOC) to raise awareness of sustainability and ocean preservation. Prada has also partnered with National Geographic CreativeWorks to present a series of four documentary films exploring the Prada Re-Nylon initiative.

Now, PRADA announces the third installment of the documentary series, which sees luminaries Benedict Cumberbatch and Sadie Sink explore Norway and Mexico, respectively, taking deep dives into the local ecosystems with the help of Goodwill Ambassadors Valentina Gottlieb and Giovanni Chimienti, and other local National Geographic experts. In previous installments, Cumberbatch explores plastic waste and “ghost nets” in the arctic, and Adut Akech Bior explores the Re-Nylon supply chain in Cameroon.

There would be no luxury—and will be no luxury—without proper stewardship of the world in which luxury-seekers inhabit. Prada’s Re-Nylon, and the ongoing Nat Geo CreativeWorks and SEA BEYOND collaboration efforts, are ensuring that those inhabitants are equally as interested in inheriting the luxury of the world as they are in pursuing it.

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Prada, Re-Nylon, National Geographic Creative Works, Benedict Cumberbatch, Sadie Sink, SEA BEYOND,