Geniuses of the West and East Coast collide in a superpowered collaboration between New York-based icon Tommy Hilfiger and Los Angeles fashion force Gavin Mathieu of Supervsn Studios. Mathieu established his fashion collective in 2019 with the intent of uplifting underrepresented voices in the industry—a goal Hilfiger found reminiscent of his own roots.
“I founded my brand with inclusivity at its heart as a place that welcomes all,” Hilfiger says. “Supervsn give me great hope for the future by empowering diverse creatives. We are proud to make a collection fueled by community and determined optimism.”
The nine-piece apparel line tends toward the oversized and faded colors as a representation of the easygoing nature of Los Angeles, Supervsn’s home base. At the same time, the collection also serves as a homage to the nationwide melting pot of America, symbolized boldly through the Hilfiger logo in the colors of the pan-African flag. Eclectic patterns and daring statements also characterize the collection, with the most prominent being, “Trust the VSN, Not the Algorithm.” It’s a message that Mathieu and Hilfiger abide by in their partnership, curating a set that embodies their vision of a unified, multicultural United States.