Karine Rougier’s mystical solo exhibition at Catinca Tabacaru Gallery

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Catinca Tabacaru Gallery debuts Karine Rougier’s first NYC solo exhibition entitled _Wild Waves In Our Hands_. The Maltese-French artist depicts her emotional fascinations through diluted oil with a finley pointed single haired paint brush. These fascinations are sensually portrayed throughout the collection with recurring themes and inspirations of feminism, native cultures, poetry, hands, and eyes. Her interest in hands stem from the way they carry emotion, being the first embrace that expresses contact. Hands reoccur in the exhibition as their own character, independent from the main subjects of each piece. Clusters of mystical eyes are seen throughout Karine’s body of works to symbolize the third eye, the window to the soul. Eyes are also seen painted on the floor of the exhibition, staring up at gallery-goers from every angle. Karine Rougier is a surrealist artist on the rise. While based in Marseille, Rougier is acclaimed internationally in galleries and museums. In addition to her solo exhibition at Catinca Tabacaru Gallery, Karine’s work hangs in _Quel Amour!?_ curated by Eric Corne at the Musee d’Art Contemporain (MAC), which will travel to Museu Colecao Berardo in Lisbon shortly after. To learn more about Karine Rougier click [here](http://documentsdartistes.org/artistes/rougier/repro.html). To learn more about Catinca Tabacaru Gallery click [here](http://www.catincatabacaru.com/). * * * Written by: Morgan Vickery