Flaunt Premiere | La Force "TBT"

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unnamed-44.jpg ![unnamed-44.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b30e54b38efed0f0971e_unnamed-44.jpeg) La Force presents the new visuals for _TBT,_ a case study in contemporary metaphor and postmodernism. Ariel Engle, vocalist and newest member of the Broken Social Scene whose haunting vocals found a home amongst the indie rock of the Toronto-based ensemble. ‘La Force’ is her latest outfit, borrowing her identity from the tarot card representing Strength - depicting a woman with gentle dominate over a lion. Her debut is an artistic statement of the individuality and pluralism that comes with being so interconnected.  TBT is the definition of Nocturnal Pop and director Aaliyeh Afshar handles it with ease. Her aesthetic is textural and lush, drawing from the post-tumblr era, vertical videos and vaporware to create a world filled with plastic and tableaus the likes of Alex Da Corte would envy. Jump cuts between overtly digital clips and imagery that feels a little less stale than stock lead us through the video and follow the bounce of the track. Engle describes TBT as a “leave me alone” song. TBT a hashtag that represents peak millennial culture causes us to think about how we define memory when so much of our life is shared or cataloged. If we Throw Back Thursday our lives than we can not only invent our present and future we can rewrite the past. We shape and create memory every time we look back. With La Force Engle is exploring the lifecycle. Not only do our brains have the power to create realities but so can our physical bodies. Engle became a mother for the first time while her own father was dying. Where she had always been a daughter, she was now a mother; where she had always had a parent, she now was the parent. For Engle, this moment manifested as both a total crisis and total fulfillment at the same time - a paradox that influences the rest of the record. Check out the video for TBT and check out their self-titled debut, 'La Force' out today. * * *