Anne-Marie Duff

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![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487292335039-405UX470EOLU3MRAFS8U/daly_flaunt_7_F1.jpg) **TOPSHOP** **UNIQUE** _floral print shirt and_ **BELSTAFF** _leather pants._ ![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487292187625-YXNT3CCY9KZKQTDEMPT7/daly_flaunt_9_F1.jpg) **VICTORIA BECKHAM** _skirt and top and_ **MAX MARA** _pumps._ ![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487292187138-THS9ON9XDA14AFBXH1BS/daly_flaunt_16_F1.jpg) **PRADA** _plaid coat and plastic jeweled brooch._ [](#)[](#) Anne-Marie Duff “She is a joy to work with. Her experience in the theatre and her intelligence, meant that she brought so much to the rehearsal process—delving deep into the character.” – Director Sarah Gavron, _Suffragette_ Straighten up when film and theatre star Anne-Marie Duff _\[4\]_ passes, she’s the real deal. Her recent Twitter campaign #filmherstory demanded more films centered on important female characters from history. Appropriately, she stars in the forthcoming British drama _Suffragette_ alongside Carey Mulligan and Helena Bonham Carter. Together, these early footsoldiers of the feminist movement champion Emmeline Pankhurst (played by silver fox Meryl Streep), the celebrated political activist who helped women win the right to vote. Add this to a laundry list of CALIFUK-worthy feats: Duff’s longstanding tenure on Channel 4’s _Shameless_ (2004-2013), her four BAFTA nominations and BAFTA Cymru win, and how about this aboveboard manoeuver? When Duff and her beloved husband, acclaimed theatre star and ex-_Shameless_ costar James McAvoy, were nearly paired as real-life and stage-life husband and wife in _Macbeth_, they chose to star in two separate productions of the Scottish play. They sensed the tabloid fodder best skip this mortal coil. #### _4 Born 8 October 1970_ _\[a\]_ #### _4.a “I supposed I just lost my job because of my political beliefs.” \[i\]_ #### _4.i Angela Davis_  _\[\*\] from: “Regents Refuse to Renew Miss Davis’ UCLA Contract”_  #### _by William Trombley |_ Los Angeles Times _| 8 October 1970_ _\*Communist Angela Davis was contracted as an acting professor of philosophy for UCLA’s 1970-1971 academic year until a 15-6 decision ruled otherwise._ #### Photographer: Brian Daly at Briandaly.co.uk. #### Fashion editor: Rose Forde at Roseforde.com. #### Hair: Charley McEwen for Carolhayesmanagement.co.uk. #### Makeup: Nathalie Eleni at Nathalieeleni.com using M.A.C Cosmetics and By Terry. #### Executive Producer: Jane Everett for Pranaproduction.co.uk. #### Associate Producer: Laura Gonzalez Murphy for Pranaproduction.co.uk. #### Styling Assistants: Laurie Lederman and Elettra Simos.