Gemma Chan

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![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487292454773-3L4S27IV8E9SO5FXH2XS/gemma-chan-bw.jpg) **PRADA** _silk shirt_, **FENDI** _denim jeans, and_ **STUART WEITZMAN** _patent leather boots._ ![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487292454661-83NCOZCYYK840Y3XJ78U/gemma-Chan-flaunt5563-1.jpg) **ASHISH** _sequin top and_ **WOLFORD** _tights_. ![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487292495136-CO9DN2344GDB1P89DQXG/gemma-Chan-flaunt5699bw.jpg) **THEORY** _wool turtleneck sweater and_ **WOLFORD** _tights_. [](#)[](#) Gemma Chan “The nuance, craft, talent and passion Gemma needed to create this character is ironically the most human of all traits.” – Director Sam Donovan, _Humans_ (2015) Gemma Chan_\[21\]_ radiates CALIFUK warmth and down-to-earth vibes. With prior work including relatively earnest roles on revered British series like _Doctor Who_ (2009), _Sherlock_ (2010), and _Secret Diary of a Call Girl_ (2011)—her major break into the humanities carries certain irony. As a robotic servant “Synth” on the TV series _Humans_, Chan’s compassionate portrayal realizes an all-too-real threat—artificial intelligence surpassing that of humans. Her performance has established _Humans_ as satisfying sci-fi for non-sci-fi viewers, with AMC and Channel 4 airing the series bi-continentally. Bravo! Now as Chan’s intelligent femininity merges with a robotic empathy, CALIFUK-ing nihilists can usher in the fated Singularity, and rewire any perception of despair. ####  _21 Born 29 November 1982 \[a\]_ #### _21.a “The dialogue is sparkling in an understated way.” \[i\]_  #### _21.i Joe Morgenstern, from: “Tuning Up Neurotics\[_ _\*\]_ _for Cable”_ #### _by Lawrence Christon |_ Los Angeles Times _| 29 November 1982_  _\* Movie-critic-turned-screenwriter Joe Morgenstern directed Jeff Goldblum and Mimi Kennedy in the ABC Video Enterprises production of Aubrey Wertheim’s_ Popular Neurotics_. The first ever play made purely for cable was shot twice, with Sheldon Larry directing the version PBS aired on Valentine’s Day 1984. The prostrate melodrama came and went with flat review._ #### _Photographer_: Franck Sauvaire at FranckSauvaire.com. #### _Stylist_: Francesca Turner at Francesca-Turner.com. _Hair_: Paul Donovan for CLMuk.com. Makeup: Jo Frost for CLMuk.com.