
Erica Papasergi: A Journey from an Italian Island to Hollywood

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Jorge Lucena

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Many people around the world dream of moving to Los Angeles to become an actor, and while many people have this dream, Erica Papasergi acted upon it. Initiated into the world of arts as a dancer and actress at the tender age of four, she honed her craft through numerous theater productions, setting the stage for a future in acting.

Erica's dream of becoming a Hollywood actress seemed unachievable given her financial limitations. Unfazed, she started working nonstop at the age of 15 while attending high school to achieve her goals. She overcame challenges and saved every hard-earned dollar to make her way to Los Angeles.

Erica worked as both an actress and an acting coach in Italy but made the significant leap to Los Angeles in October 2019. She would end up studying at the Los Angeles Acting Conservatory. However, COVID-19 emerging disrupted her plans, freezing her program temporarily. She returned to Italy and then navigated a challenging journey back to Los Angeles.

Despite the unknowns, Erica made the most of her time by learning new things like American Sign Language. She overcame obstacles related to her visa, persevering through them to finish her studies and go on to work on several exciting new projects.

Erica's passion for acting ignited due to its boundless possibilities, captivating her with the chance to embody diverse roles, ranging from a chef to a musician. Her inspiration springs from a deep desire to connect with the audience, understanding that if she can resonate with just one person, she has fulfilled her purpose. Embracing the transformative influence of films, she is compelled to contribute to an industry that educates, inspires, and brings healing.

Erica is regarded as a thought leader in her field because of her willingness to go above and beyond in a collaborative manner. Her dedication to her craft is evident in her ability to make everyone's time on set enjoyable.

The entertainment industry's trials manifested in the form of rejection, a formidable adversary that tested Erica's resolve. Initially challenging, rejection forced her to confront self-doubt and question her talent. However, audition after audition, she learned to accept both victories and losses, building resilience and reinforcing her belief in herself.

Erica shares insightful insights from her experience, highlighting the significance of quieting the inner critic in oneself. She reassures people that success is still attainable despite obstacles, so they should enjoy and have faith in the process. She sees mistakes as stepping stones to bettering her craft and herself, and she embraces them as opportunities for growth.

When Erica looks to the future, she sees herself well-established in the business, adorned with accolades, and excited about the possibility of taking on roles she has never taken on before. Her dedication to lifelong learning is still what motivates her.

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Erica Papasergi