
Sustainable Shopping & Fashion Tips From Senior Design Director Joni Pangsaeng 

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Jorge Lucena

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In the world of sustainable fashion, where authenticity and innovation are prized, Joni Pangsaeng stands out. As the Senior Design Director of Accessories at Reformation, her journey, marked by innovation and sheer determination, has led to some of the industry's most iconic and sustainable accessories. In a world of fast fashion, which emphasizes overproduction, shortened clothing lifespans, and disposable culture, we got to sit down with Joni to talk about changing the status quo toward more sustainable fashion and how to shop sustainably. 

Q: What sparked your interest in sustainability and fashion?

I grew up in Vancouver, Canada, which has a very outdoorsy lifestyle synonymous with sustainability, given the close proximity to nature. I went to an alternative high school that spent half the year camping outdoors, teaching kids how to coexist with nature and live a low-impact lifestyle.

I also spent a lot of time thrift shopping as a child. My parents used to take me thrift shopping from a very young age. It was one of my favorite activities. It always felt like a treasure hunt and really allowed me to express myself through clothing. I would find really unique and special things. 

Q: Can you share any tips you have to shop more sustainably?

Shop smart 

Set intentions when shopping and focus on building the foundation of your wardrobe. Identify key pieces, keeping in mind wearability, longevity, and utility. Invest in special items you will own and love for a long time. This is the approach I also take when designing products. I strive to create versatile items that have longevity and can be worn in a multitude of ways. 

Care for your clothing & accessories 

It’s important to take care of your clothing and accessories to extend the life of your wardrobe.  At the end of every season, I like to do a closet changeover, which involves cleaning any items before storing them, using cashmere combs on sweaters, and adding lavender pouches in drawers to ward off any moths. I’ll take my boots to the cobbler to have a protective outsole added and remove any scuffs and scratches. You can also give new life to light-colored shoes by having them dyed black.  

Shop vintage and second-hand

Some of my favorite pieces of all time have been thrifted or found at vintage shops. I find so much inspiration in shopping vintage. A lot of the designs from the Reformation shoe collection are inspired by vintage pieces from my personal closet. 

Shop eco whenever possible 

It’s always good to look for brands that have a strong commitment to sustainability. Nowadays, a lot of multi-brand retailers have a curated, shoppable section dedicated to eco brands. Consider purchasing from a brand that emphasizes quality, transparency, and sustainability, encompassing both people and the planet. 

Q: What are some markers to look for when searching for a sustainable brand? 

I think it’s super important for brands to be able to quantify their actions. Can they attribute any sort of metrics on how they’ve reduced their carbon impacts or reduced water wastage? Anything like that is great. Certification is an indicator as well. Are they a certified B-Corp? Do they work with responsible mills or recycled materials? How transparent are their manufacturing processes? 

To Wrap Up

Joni Pangsaeng’s practical tips for sustainable shopping emphasize intention, care, and the fun of thrift shopping. She encourages shoppers to look for brands that showcase their commitment through certifications and transparent practices. As the fashion industry is gradually shifting toward a more sustainable and responsible future, these tips on how to shop sustainably and leave fast fashion in the past serve as an excellent guide to help shape a more sustainable closet.


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Joni Pangsaeng